Final setup dilemna


Active Member
Hi guys,

Just about ready to start, but had one final (I hope) question before I spring into action.

If my grow space is a grow tent from htg, the 32 cubit foot one, and I have their 400w conversion light, will a 240cfm panasonic whisperline be enough to cool the room through a carbon filter?

Or will I need to get an air-cooled reflector?

If anyone has opinions I'd love to hear them- don't wanna fry my plants, but will gladly save the $ on a reflector if it's not necessary w/ all that fan power.


Active Member
i have a 48''x48'' tent with a 270 cfm blowin through an aircooled hood. My 400w sits 1 to 2 inches from top of my canopy of buds. i vent it from outside into tent through light and out of tent. I ventilate the tent separately with a 170 cfm inline, on a speedster, out of the tent. my filter, ballast, and fans are outside the tent