Final Setup of my grow room


Active Member
So I have 6 ak-47's in there but i'm about to germinate a few white widows too. It's a 400w system and I have a 265 cfm exaust fan. With the obvious normal fan circulating the air as well as rising the heat to the exaust. Temperature is at a constant 80-85 and the humidity stays at 60. I love it. It's a 4x4x4' grow box i made myself out of plywood. The exaust goes to a homemade carbon filter and sits inside a box at the window with mesh concealing whats inside the box ;).



Active Member
It was stated in the above topic, 4x4x4 foot. 2 months and 700$ later I got it all done. I'm so pleased and I can't wait for these babies to ripen. I'll have about 10-12 plants in there soon. Budding alone my vegging is in my closet with T5's


Active Member
This cool tube you speak of is not needed and is pointless to spend my money on. I have perfect temperature and humidity as well as no light gets dminished *uv light* from the glass of such a cooltube. Some need them for heat reasons I on the other hand dont.