Finally some common sense out of DC


Well-Known Member
So now the right wants grocery store clerks to be the new "food police"? - typical, lay more responsibilities on workers while ensuring they don't get paid any more.
They already are "food police". If you'd ever worked in the grocery business you'd know this. You have to take a yearly test, too. In reality, the cashier really has little control over the sale. The POS system is programmed with what is and isn't food stampable. It simply tells you what you have to pay cash for. A computerized POS is one of the requirements to accept SNAP or WIC.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense
There is nothing about it that makes sense. From the motive to the result, it makes no sense. He admits that the very thing he dislikes about SNAP is that it is an economic boon.

This is the worst kind of gov't role. This serves only one purpose, to limit the personal choice of the lowest socioeconomic class and using the gov't to do that is worse than Leninism.

When I called BS, I got no logical retort. His response was, "I'm older than you". This person believes his motive to be along the lines of wanting people to be smarter through better nutrition, but demonstrates a lack of logic and ethics himself.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing about it that makes sense. From the motive to the result, it makes no sense. He admits that the very thing he dislikes about SNAP is that it is an economic boon.

This is the worst kind of gov't role. This serves only one purpose, to limit the personal choice of the lowest socioeconomic class and using the gov't to do that is worse than Leninism.

When I called BS, I got no logical retort. His response was, "I'm older than you". This person believes his motive to be along the lines of wanting people to be smarter through better nutrition, but demonstrates a lack of logic and ethics himself.
No no, makes sense that the check out person doesn't have to do any policing.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing about it that makes sense. From the motive to the result, it makes no sense. He admits that the very thing he dislikes about SNAP is that it is an economic boon.

This is the worst kind of gov't role. This serves only one purpose, to limit the personal choice of the lowest socioeconomic class and using the gov't to do that is worse than Leninism.

When I called BS, I got no logical retort. His response was, "I'm older than you". This person believes his motive to be along the lines of wanting people to be smarter through better nutrition, but demonstrates a lack of logic and ethics himself.
You really have a hard time following the discussion. I didn't admit the very thing I disliked was the economic boon. That is one of the things that needs to be fixed. The corporations have turned wasteful spending into profit. A WIC type system would help stop that.

You did not call BS on my reasoning you called me a Communist. But I'd like to hear of your extensive background working with both SNAP and WIC. How many years did you say you had in the industry?


Well-Known Member
You did not call BS on my reasoning you called me a Communist. But I'd like to hear of your extensive background working with both SNAP and WIC
I did call you on your bs, by calling you a communist. Yet again I will, by showing you how irrelevant your so called experience is. You simply begrudge poor people a right to choose.

You can't make the SNAP system work better by limiting it. The point of it is not simply to feed people. I think this detail is going way over your little commy brain. For every dollar spent on it, two dollars in jobs are created. If you seek to limit it, you seek to limit those jobs. The other thing I think you don't get, is that you are not going to put the corporations out by limiting their market share to people who can afford to live with out SNAP, they will simply find ways to make their products acceptable (for snap) through the FDA. In this way, the limiting will likely not even have your desired result, which you say is better nutrition.

To be honest, the only thing you apparently care about is limiting the choices of the people at the lowest socioeconomic strata in both what they can eat, and what new jobs will be available to them. You're even worse than Rob Roy.


Well-Known Member
I did call you on your bs, by calling you a communist. Yet again I will, by showing you how irrelevant your so called experience is. You simply begrudge poor people a right to choose.

You can't make the SNAP system work better by limiting it. The point of it is not simply to feed people. I think this detail is going way over your little commy brain. For every dollar spent on it, two dollars in jobs are created. If you seek to limit it, you seek to limit those jobs. The other thing I think you don't get, is that you are not going to put the corporations out by limiting their market share to people who can afford to live with out SNAP, they will simply find ways to make their products acceptable (for snap) through the FDA. In this way, the limiting will likely not even have your desired result, which you say is better nutrition.

To be honest, the only thing you apparently care about is limiting the choices of the people at the lowest socioeconomic strata in both what they can eat, and what new jobs will be available to them. You're even worse than Rob Roy.
Using words I never said makes a compelling story, but is a poor debate. SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It's not the free to buy whatever you want program. It's about nutrition and should be administered as such. SNAP is a welfare program, not an entitlement.

The $1 spent creates $2 job theory is interesting. Do you have any documentation for that?

I don't care what poor people or rich people want to buy. If they want 10lbs of Snickers and 5 gallons of Red Bull then by all means take the money you saved by not having to pay for hamburger, bread, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and milk and buy it.


Well-Known Member
The $1 spent creates $2 job theory is interesting. Do you have any documentation for that?
You can look it up yourself. It is something like $1.84 right now. For every dollar in foodstamps, $1.84 in jobs.

I can try to explain the formula though, since it is hard to find why this is the case. It is like the laffer curve. You can't just food stamp the lack of jobs away, but it is one of the best economic stimuli nonetheless. At the apex of the parabola, it is 2 dollars in jobs created. The exact amount of money that would be optimal for the program to receive in order to generate peak results is dynamic. We put more into the program than this number and we thus suffer a loss of efficiency of 16 cents from the ideal return but that is ok. $1.84 is still a great return and more people get to eat.


Well-Known Member
So $1 spent on healthy food instead of junk food would create the same amount of jobs, correct?


Well-Known Member
So $1 spent on healthy food instead of junk food would create the same amount of jobs, correct?
No. It will significantly reduce the efficiency, if not render it completely inefficient. By exerting control over a market such that demand for a specific product is artificially increased the demand for other commodities is inversely affected. This is a very complex process and I'm sure I'll risk sounding like a foil hat wearing Paulbot (I assure you, I'm not) I will say that meddling in the economy will have reverberations throughout. The inverse effect on other commodities will cause job losses in those markets. Overall, a net gain in jobs could still be found, but it will certainly be a smaller gain. The idea is basically that the gov't would be subsidizing only certain commodities. The only way to safely stimulate, is to stimulate aggregate demand. It is essential to diversify.

However, the mechanism can be used in other ways. For example, gov't subsidized corn is like an economic weapon against Mexico. You see, it was their cash crop, hell it is fucking sacred in the culture but ever since NAFTA, there have been fewer and fewer corn farmers in mexico, and now Mexico buys American corn, and everytime you buy a gallon of ethanol with corn in it, another Mexican has to come north to find work.

There is a bit of exaggeration and sarcasm in this, but it conveys the simple fact that nothing in the economy is a vacuum.

The very reason why foodstamps are such a good stimulus, is that they force the money to go into such a wide ranging sector of the economy but never to stray into narrow corners of it. If demand for junk food is reduced, the price of junk food will only fall while Doritos and Coca Cola lay people off. Conversely, the very products being chosen will rise in price, eating away at the efficiency of the program even more and affecting diets for everyone.

However, since companies like these use so much corn, it is possible that more ethanol could be made. So there is a possible good effect among the bad.


Well-Known Member
Finally some common sense out of the DP. Democrat Party aka: Double Penetration.

Two state senators recalled due to steps in banning of the second amendment.



Well-Known Member
So $1 spent on healthy food instead of junk food would create the same amount of jobs, correct?
The short answer, it is simply impossible to narrow the scope of products purchasable with foodstamps, with out losing efficiency, the narrower, the less efficient. It is the broad demand which is the very reason why the program has such a high return on investment in the form of jobs.


Well-Known Member
The short answer, it is simply impossible to narrow the scope of products purchasable with foodstamps, with out losing efficiency, the narrower, the less efficient. It is the broad demand which is the very reason why the program has such a high return on investment in the form of jobs.
I was totally wrong when I said buck is the stupidest person on RIU. You sound like Nanny Pelosi



Well-Known Member
Get those food stamps rolling. We need economic stimulus. Food stamps create jobs. :roll:



Well-Known Member
"steps in banning." Learn how to read you stupid Communist.
a better, more accurate way to phrase it would have been "gun safety measures 100% consistent with the constitution", as they took no steps in banning the second amendment.

but your vagina hurts, so you do what you want.