Fine Before Watering..Then This Sht


The plants looked 'good' until I took them out, 'cleaned them up a little'( took off a few lower leaves..stuff that will take energy away from upper part) and then gave them about 2-3 quarts water each. It has been a couple of days, and they were ready for it. The temps are 81-82F with RH 40-44 This is not heat or light burn...this happened within 5 minutes after I watered them. Only watered the soil as always. Use the water that I get from my 30 pint dehumidifier in the basement to water always.

What are a few things this could be? Like I said, they were fine before I watered them. this is one plant, but this is pretty much how most look.



Well-Known Member
It didnt need watering and having min 30% perlite in medium helps stop this happening.


It didnt need watering and having min 30% perlite in medium helps stop this happening.
Bro those buckets were light as a feather and the soil is FFOF. It had been about 3 days since watering last. I don't think it's they had plenty of moisture and they were over watered, due to the buckets weight...that I've gone by more than once. Idk man, that is some stressful cht to see..... I'm on my 4th bowl to calm my nerves bongsmilie


No bro, good lookin out though. The water came from 1 gallon jugs that have been sitting around room temp (74-77F?) for at least 2 days with water from my dehumidifier.

The babies are fine after a good nights sleep. well, they don't look the same for sure. I did test the water and it was 5.5. I'm not sure if that has/had anything to do with it or not.

Just fukin weird..and scary as hell!


Well-Known Member
Check your dehum for copper piping and did you check the ph/ppm of the water first or assume it was fine because of the source?


Check your dehum for copper piping and did you check the ph/ppm of the water first or assume it was fine because of the source?
I've been using the same water for a few waterings and they have been fine bro. No I didn't check the ph and don't have a ppm meter. I did assume the water was 'ok' because of the source....and because until yesterday, the plants didnt do this. They are good to go now. Just not sure why they did that out of the blue.

Not sure, they are copper I guess bro...why? What does that mean? What is the other type of coils, aluminum?


Well-Known Member
Check your runoff with distilled water if its low you need to fert but within Ph range for your medium. Copper pipes will cause big problems.


Well-Known Member
Depending on your dehumidifier (age, locations, etc) you will also have mold growing in your catch basin. You may think that water is "pure" but you might be surprised at what it picks up from coils, air, etc. I suggest a different water supply for your plants.