finished northern pride PICS


Active Member
they ended up two plants at three foot and two plants at four foot, the smaller yielded more bud!!! they were grown under 2 x 200w cfls so no electric bills!!!


New Member
looks like the frist one grew 3' to the right the 2nd one looks to be 4' straight up and the last two be well its a split a 3' and 4' to the left. lol kidding nice job


Well-Known Member
You can get Picasa2 for free on the web. I think it is sponsored by Google. Anyways you can use that program to adjust your pics like if you need to turn them sideways or if you want to make trippy colors. You can crop them for close-ups. That's what I use. There are probably better ones but FREE is the best hands down. LOL


Well-Known Member
I got frost bite just looking at that lady! Damn she's a cold one.

Just like all the others. How much I love an icicle. I will never leave winter.


Well-Known Member
Kudos. I was thinking of getting some seeds of the strain that you finished. Gorgeous man. Gr8 job...