FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i'm gonna go buy a blowtorch and run around my garage waving the blowtorch around unless someone talks me out of it.
No please don't do that it's very dangerous. If your trying to give signs of high noon, use an auto body shop light. The ones used to dry paint on a surface.


Well-Known Member
so waving a propane torch around won't boost my CO2 levels for massive, explosive growth?

because i have a propane torch here, i normally use it to fix my golf clubs, but i am willing to use it in my grow if it helps.

time for me to do some research.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Fuck, when is the scheduled update scheduled for? I have a good feeling about todays video. We might be in for a treat.
maybe a massive root explosion, rapid growth, a darker green color cuz of his nutrient feeds, repotted!!! Something happened. I have a good feeling friends.


Well-Known Member
Do you plan on cooling the 1k hps? Does the current container the plants are in have drainage holes? What kind of nutrients do you recommend for seedlings? That soil seems to really promote root growth, what is your secret?

I have learned that this is not a thread for us to help you, but for you to help us, so thanks in advance for all of the advice. If this grow works out to be some DANK DANK, I think it deserves to be "stickied" if that's the word.


New Member
Do you plan on cooling the 1k hps? Does the current container the plants are in have drainage holes? What kind of nutrients do you recommend for seedlings? That soil seems to really promote root growth, what is your secret?

I have learned that this is not a thread for us to help you, but for you to help us, so thanks in advance for all of the advice. If this grow works out to be some DANK DANK, I think it deserves to be "stickied" if that's the word.
I'll be the first to vote no on that.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I'm feeling a positive vibe right now in this thread. Something good is happening to the op's plants right now. I'm almost sure of it. Bring on the video updates please.


Active Member
Time for Fin’s thread to have a little helpful information,lots of experienced growers on here and I have a question. Using a vented hood, what is the best way to have the air flow over the bulb or it doesn’t matter what way you saddle a dead horse.

One would think that a bulb having air flow over it from the socket might be better than the other way around. I’m not talking about + or – pressure here, I talking about what way to have the air flow over the bulb. Thanks.


Active Member
Time for Fin’s thread to have a little helpful information,lots of experienced growers on here and I have a question. Using a vented hood, what is the best way to have the air flow over the bulb or it doesn’t matter what way you saddle a dead horse.

One would think that a bulb having air flow over it from the socket might be better than the other way around. I’m not talking about + or – pressure here, I talking about what way to have the air flow over the bulb. Thanks.
The socket end is usually pointed for airflow, but i think its negligible and would go by best cord position.


Active Member
also depends on whether or not your carbon filter decides to blow chunks through it randomly when you start it up :shock:

I like the carbon to hit the back of the socket then flow through into the fan making an awesome rock to fan blade noise and then finally, out the window

vs hitting the top/front of the bulb and then flowing through to awesome noise making and out of the window

just playing.

I like to have mine pulling from the front of the bulb, So duct & fan on the opposite side of the socket side

socket > bulb> duct


Well-Known Member
Ok...really. Don't you guys think this has gone on long enough? I mean, just let fin try to grow some weed, if he fails, he fails. If he succeeds, good for him, he grew himself some free weed. And fin, don't be so concerned with keeping your thread bumped all the time. I know you're gonna say we bump it for you, but you respond to every fucking troll post, and re-post videos all the time "in case we missed them" do that shit a lot. Stop responding to every troll post and maybe they'll get bored...but you know deep down you just want the attention any way you can get it.

Its a grow journal, people...
:lol: Like I have said to EVERYONE that tries to say that shit. If I didn't reply to them, why should I reply to you. You're being just as much as a douche, and giving just as shitty advice as them. Don't worry about keeping my thread bumped? I don't, that's the whole point. That's ya'lls job :lol: But I agree that they should let me grow, but since they are doing what they are doing, I will get way more people seeing my awesome buds that wouldn't have otherwise. And when I say "Incase you missed it", that's not for you guys. That's for people trying to read through all this bullshit and watch a real grow :dunce: Like you said this should be :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I think I have received more rep points than finshaggy on this tread.
That's because you're being an asshole, and there are plenty of other assholes here. My thread just started :lol: I know there's like 52 pages, but there's way more comin :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yea but u hurt his feelings. U know he is very sensitive I think. Very hard to pull off an awesome grow like he is attempting to do when your feelings r hurt.
:lol: I'm pretty sure I'll make it :lol: The oldest troll here isn't even my oldest troll, I've had people being assholes to me since I got here because I don't give a fuck. But the glory of it is, I don't give a fuck :D
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