First attempt at growing in Coco under 1600w's....


Well-Known Member
thats the plan mate....i took cuttings but didnt want them going crazy so just keep them under T5 light while building my room, all's ready now so the perpetual will commence this time round ;) pics of new room monday


Well-Known Member
hey hey hey......longtime!! just started round 3 with coco and things keep gettin bigger and better evertime ;) this time round ive changed strain and setup slightly. The chosen srain is Lowryder Easy Ryder AKA Lowryder #2 x AK47 and they will be grown under x3 600w lights 20h per day, 12 were germinated successfully but i lost one when repotting :( anyway, on with the pics.....



Well-Known Member
Heard mixed reviews on this strain mostly good and that was mostly grown under poor lighting, i told my mate about them as he had a holiday booked and wanted something which would finish up in time for him to go away. He germed 4 and grew them in a 1.2 x 1.2 tent under a 600w in coco, although they didnt finish in time for his holiday he managed to pull over 6oz per plant!!!! he even left them for the 12 days he was away!! i was away at the same time as him but got back a little earlier and when i went to check them i could not believe my eyes, ive never seen colars as big!!! and as for how he fed them while he was away, he simply sat the 11litre pots in plastic tubs filled with water...shocking but true!! so figured id give them a whirl myself under more light :) here go's

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
christ thats bonkers ive never heard of anyone watering like that id have thought theyd have drowned.

good to see your back in the game man!


Well-Known Member
ez don, i could not believe it myself mate and would not of if i hadnt seen it 1st hand...they were literally sitting in water for 2 weeks and they appeared to be loving it! (he even had water globes shoved in the for good measure LOL) the size of the buds were what sold them to me mate and his dry wieght was the icing on the cake! im gonna try watering mine twice a day this time around, the coco seems to be able to handle it mint....and it works wonders in most hydro setups

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man little and often is the way with coco letting it dry seems to help the girls no end. 6 oz a go form an auto is imprssive shit man. what medium, how many and what wattage was he using?


Well-Known Member
he had 4 under one 600w from the off growing in coco, im not really sure how much and often he feed them, he had A+B from beginning and started pk'ing and using canna boost from the minute he saw hairs! all i know is leaving them sitting in water did them the world of good mate!! im gonna try it myself if there not as big as his by week 7 lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man to be honest 150w per plant will give you a cracking yeild from most strains. pk from the off will deffo help too lol good luck man


Well-Known Member
They are gonna be mental when they fill out mate. I never tried auto's when i was growing but if i start again i'll give em a go


Well-Known Member
cheers mate...I'm expecting big things, my mate grew the same strain recently and got 6oz per plant!!! I'd definitely recommend them so far ;-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuckin ell man that would be impressive for a normal strain. like oscar said i think i might revisit the auto side of things again