First Auto Grow - Automaria II & Mi5

Hi guys,
I just ordered these two strains off
I havent got an indoor setup atm so ive been researching on the internet but really it has just confused me even more :-(
What would be a cheap but worth doing setup for just growing a couple at a time for personal use?
Any help would be much appreciated thank you


Well-Known Member
surprised no one got back to you yet. AM2 is great, really fast and super good buzz. You could leave it in a sunny windowsill. It wont get very big, and you wont get the yield you expect but she is a nice one. After the direct sunlight is gone just use a cfl light bulb on her, Warm white at the highest wattage you can find. Not familiar with Mi5 so I cannot comment on that.
Good luck and hope all goes well for you.


Well-Known Member
surprised no one got back to you yet. AM2 is great, really fast and super good buzz. You could leave it in a sunny windowsill. It wont get very big, and you wont get the yield you expect but she is a nice one. After the direct sunlight is gone just use a cfl light bulb on her, Warm white at the highest wattage you can find. Not familiar with Mi5 so I cannot comment on that.
Good luck and hope all goes well for you.
You have any pics of your AutoMaria II? I did a couple last year and was very unimpressed.


Well-Known Member
I like the look of the Pandora :) how was the smoke? I was very happy with the smoke from Automaria 1 that I grew last summer and cant wait to try the II this year


Well-Known Member
Pandora is a great auto strain IMO. I wouldn't say I'm an auto expert, but I've tried Easy Ryder from the Joint Doctor, Automaria II, and Pandora. Pandora was by far the best. Great yielder and some pretty potent smoke. Not too strong of a smell though. It's a subtle sweet smell/taste with a little spice. I'm actually growing it again this year. Takes about 11 weeks from seed.

You have any pics of Automaria I. Just curious. I think they may have discontinued that strain.