First Auto Grow - Grass-O-Matic AK47xLowryder


Active Member
room tempearature, 21degrees celsius - 26degrees celsius. Remember there should also be a drop in the temp when she goes to zZzzzzzZzzzz

Good luck Gik69


Active Member
im getting worried now as its 7 days from coming through the soil and it hasnt grown muvh in 2 day(if any) and the leaves dont really look that green, am i doing somthing wrong or is this seed a dud?


Active Member
How much of a drop?

Night temperatures should be kept above 60F to prevent marijuana plant stress. During the marijuana flowering phase drop the temperature further to stimulate flowering hormones and reduce stem elongation. Low humidity causes stress on marijuana plants.

It's recommend 50-60% humidity until the final two weeks of marijuana flowering. At this point, the humidity should be lowered as much as possible to encourage the plant to seal and protect itself with additional resin.

By dropping both the temperature and humidity in the final two weeks of marijuana flower will convince the cannabis plant fall is over and winter is any day now.

73-78?F (23-25?C) temperatures, 40-55% humidity, 1,500 ppm CO2, constant air flow and aeration, and scrubbed air.
Optimal Temperature:

Between 70 - 85 degrees Fahrenheit (21 - 29 degrees Celsius). [source;unk]

hope this answers your Q


Active Member
im getting worried now as its 7 days from coming through the soil and it hasnt grown muvh in 2 day(if any) and the leaves dont really look that green, am i doing somthing wrong or is this seed a dud?
Can you upload some images of her?


Active Member
Also did you put the seed straight in the soil or did you germinate it another way before moving the seedling to pot?


Active Member
I germinated in some tissue then into the pot when cracked,
How's it looking to you? It's been 7 days now.


Active Member
woke this morning to find the top is leaning over and the stem just below looks like it has no strength but the rest of stem looks healthy.
i would put a pic up but it wont let me, i guess its dead now! arghhh.


Well-Known Member
use tinypic to upload the pic then copy the img code to here.
what do you mean it has no strength? like the bud-site is too heavy for it to support?


Active Member
use tinypic to upload the pic then copy the img code to here.
what do you mean it has no strength? like the bud-site is too heavy for it to support?
There is pics above, it is 7 days since seed cracked the top has bent over and looks to be dying as just below the stem looks to have lost strength. But below that the stem is healthy.
ive grew auto northern light on 12/12 turned out perfect,done them on 18/6 and they turned out pefect,infact 12/12 i think i got a few more grams,thinking of trying 15/9 next and if they turn out nice i will stick to that :) ive heard people sayin leave them on 24hrs,i cant understand why as plants like to rest n sleep,or my babies do and just befor am due to crop i shot them in darkness for 3 days,the thc almost doubles :)


Active Member
It's official my auto AK47 is dead I knew something wasn't right oh well back to sq 1.
I think where I turn the lights off for 4 hrs I think it vets too cold hense why it died.
Am I right about this? Any views where I went wrong?