first bubbleponic grow


Active Member
hey thanks for the positive feedback....i was really skeptical of doing this whole bubbelponic thing at first. I have a friend who grew some sweet island skunk but in soil and was like cool i wana try it so he gave me a bagseed and i attempted to grow it and well it didnt do so great. So after I failed at that attempt he mentioned this sketchy sounding way to grow weed in a bucket with an must of took him weeks to convice me....after i finally saw that my soil plant was growing super slow and jst all around not healthy i gave in cuz he said it wouldnt cost more than 5 we went and bought the stuff and i did it and from day 1 i was satisified....i ripped up my soil plant which was already a month old when my bubble plant was only two weeks and i loved it ever since....without you guys helpin me out i dont think she would be lookin as good as she does now so thank you....we got about 1 1/2 months left to go!!! i got about 4 main huge colas branches that are lookin like they are gna fill out nicely!!! then i have about 4 more lower branhes that look like they have a pretty good amoutn and then there are jst tiny branches all over the place in the plant that all have bud on em.....ahhh i jst love lookin at her and the smell is definiatly back in the air!!! whn open my garage it crazy sry for the long post but im really baked and felt like tellin a story!!! hahaha


Elite Rolling Society
I 've got about $100 in each grow, after the first one, but I get about $6000 worth of buds back for my $100 investment.


Active Member
ahhh yea i hope to be there soon as far as money spent/money earned ratio!!!! may be a couple more grows b4 i can get it like gna need abigger tent....i bought the smallest one they had and as you can see its plenty room for my one plant but i cant have 6 that big and bushy and that doesnt sit well with me so my next grow im gna get a new tent prolly 2 or 3 sizes bigger!!! i want some monster plants like the one i have now.....i dnt think ill be happy with a plant being flowered 2 or 3 weeks in!!!


Active Member
as of today she has 2 weeks b4 harvest(roughly) jst thought id give a couple of pic updates....the buds are fatter today then as they are in the pic but you get the idea....hoping for 5oz.....



Active Member
oh yea shes growin!!! jst been tryin to wing it on my own....nd with that damn high powered ass light my phone takes crap pics soo i've jst been patiently waiting but over the nxt couple of weeks im gna give more pic updates.....hey roseman how do you recommend me to dry and cure this big girl??


Elite Rolling Society
Many hydro growers drain the tank and fill it with plain water, two days before harvest. Called Flushing. (I quit doing that, I just could not taste any difference.) Soil growers also FLUSH before harvesting.
some growers drain the tank the night before, and start letting the plant DRY while still in the reservoir.
And it is best to harvest in the morning and not late in the day, to get more potency.

I cut the longest branches, put them on a tin-foiled covered tray, and go to my kitchen table. I try to catch any fallen trichomes on the tin foil.
I have three boxes, one for the big FAN leaves. (for oil)
one box for the TRIM leaves, the leaves with trichomes on them, that I manicured off the buds, FOR HASH. I've manicured much more since I learned how to make HASH. I want some naked STEM at the end of the buds to fasten my tape to, so I can hang it in the drying box.
AND One Box for the smaller popcorn buds. (small buds with no stems)

I manicure them, and cut the leaves off. I manicure closely. IF you leave those leaves on, by the time the buds are dry, the leaves are crispy and harsh to smoke.
I string masking tape across the top of the box, making rows about 3 or 4 inches a part. I wrap a piece of masking tape, about 4 inches long, around the tip end of the stem, and hang it from the masking tape, in rows, not letting the buds touch each other. VERY IMPORTANT.

I separate the bigger buds from the smaller ones IN DIFFERENT BOXES.
I put the boxes in a dark room, NO DIRECT LIGHT, and blow a gentle oscillating fan across the top, but not on them.
The big buds take 7 days, the smaller ones 5 days. Popcron buds take 3 or 4 days. Some take 5 days.
If you dry them too much, you can add back moisture. If you do not dry them enough, you get rotten buds and mold.
Dry them til the end of the stem will SNAP when you break it, but not crispy dry.
Again, the big buds take 7 days to dry, under a small fan,the smaller ones 5 days.
Keep them in the dark with little light to see and inspect.
I never smoke them then, NEVER.
VERY IMPORTANTLY I then CURE them 30 days in wide mouth jars, opening the jar for ten seconds EVERYDAY , for 30 days.
Every day, I sniff them, smell them, for any funky moldy smell. If they do not smell right, then dry them outside the jar another day or two.
I've lost one jar, out of hundreds, the 30th day, it went bad, to Bud MOLD.

I can not emphasis the importance and difference if you properly MANICURE, Dry AND Cure them.
DO I HAVE TO Cure 30 days?
Definitely, I do know for sure, I tried smoking buds cured for a only a week, for two weeks, three weeks and 4 weeks. You should try it too, and you will find what I found. Buds cured 4 weeks not only taste better, they burn better and get you higher too. It has something to do with some scientific complicated SUGAR PROCESSING. or the sugars change . I am 100% sure, you will agree, if you test it like I did. CURE FOR 30 DAYS!

DRYING? They say dry them til the stem will snap. Well, I get stems the thickness of fishing line and I get stems the thickness of a pencil, even bigger. That tells me that you can not DRY them ALL the same amount of time. So I sort mine, fatter stems from skinny stems. The skinny ones, I DRY for 5 or 6 days. The fat ones, I DRY for 7 to 8 days. IF YOU OVER DRY, YOU CAN REMOISTEN THEM. IF YOU DO NOT DRY THEM ENOUGH, THEY WILL ROT ! I dry mine in the open air, moving air, moved with an oscillating fan. A gentle breeze, in temps of what central air or central heat gives me, which is around 75 to 78 degrees and humidity of 30% to 40%.
AND YOU MUST DRY AND CURE THEM IN DARKNESS. LIGHT IS THE ENEMY WHEN DRYING AND CURING. I do DRY mine in a room with the shades pulled down, it is not very dARK, but it is not any direct LIGHT, just some leaking light. I read up on Drying and Curing in 4 books I bought, and the above is what they say.

Save the trim leaves for HASH, you'll be so glad you did.

When I put my buds in Jars, I put them in the jar one bud at a time, feeling it, to see if it is VERY dry, overly dry, or NOT dry enough.

I also save several large pieces of the STEM, for later. When I check a jar, if I find a vERY dry bud, a bud too crispy and dry, I ad a short piece of fresh moist stem to the jar, for a half day, to re-moistion it.

Daily inspecting the jars, opening and smelling them, is of the upmost importantance.

Those pics are a mixture of my 2007 and 2008 crop. The 2007 crop, I did not trim close. I trimmed, but not close. I'd leave a half inch, to keep the scissors from getting glued together adn I was just lazy and in a hurry. I always got a lot of very dry, too dry, bud leaves, that smoked harsh. More times than not, I threw them away or gave them away.

And then I got a KIEF Box with a screen, and I started trimming much closer. The 2008 pics, I trimmed close and everytime I opend a new jar, I went and trimmed them again, to make MORE hash.

Now I reccomend trimming as much as possible and making hash, I never leave any leaf to go into the jar now. I pluck off what I can not trim off.

Buds without STEMS, I just spread out in a box, NOT LETTING THEM PILE UP OR TOUCH EACH OTHER. I stir them everyday.
Proper Harvest and DRYING and Curing are as IMPORTANT as GROWING.

Attached Thumbnails

Popcorn buds:



Elite Rolling Society
We DRY pot, so we can CURE it.
We CURE pot, to make it taste sweeter, smell sweeter, to avoid bud-mold, to make it more Smokable, to get the chemical and clorophyll taste out, and to increase the potency. A GOOD cure takes 4 weeks, and some conisours (mispelled) cure it up to 6 to 8 weeks.

The idea behind curing was learned from tobacco growers. Curing is a biological process of allowing the SUGARS and STARCHES to change into something MORE pleasant to the taste and smell. Normally the SUGARS and STARCHES taste HARSH and not so pleasant. To grow, Plants need SUGARS that convert into starches from Fertilizers and sunlight. Curing also removes alot of clorophyll or the clorophyll taste that is sort of a grassy leafy medicine chemical taste and leaves a sweet tastey pleasant taste.

Also, we cure pot to avoid MOLD that can come within 30 days AFTER Drying.

We cure pot in jars, in darkness, in a cool place. After being placed in the jar, we store them in a dark cool place, then we re-open the jar once a day, smell it, inspect it, let it breathe for a few seconds and then re-seal it. IF we smell an unpleasant "nose pinching" smell, or see white growth, we need to immedialtey remove it from
the jar and DRY it some more for a few more days.

When you first harvest the buds, save some moist large stems in the refrigarator, in a baggie. If you dry it too much, you can add a small piece of stem back, to remoisten it some.

I have CURED pot one week in jars, and tasted it, and then Cured it 4 weeks and tasted it. If you will try the same experiment, or ask any experienced grower, you'll learn (taste) the difference. It is much more potent, and mush sweeter tasting, and smells much better too.


Active Member
thanks roseman this helps alot!! hey i have another thread going for a friend....story is he saw how my monster plant grew in water and he saw the huge colas i have on her right now and asked me to help him grow a plant so i am....he using bagseed from what we call reggie which is regular mexican field grown weed!!! haha well its growing jst as fast as mine did and well we have some leaf droopage issues.....if you can take a look at my thread that says helping a friend and let me know what you think!!


Active Member
ok soo i bought the magnifying glass that mostlycrazy uses nd i must say wow!!!!! haha so i saw alot of clear and milky not to many amber ones so i figure it has about another week?? i want the head high!!!
im gonna try to post pics tonight of her with the hps off and some normal light...


New Member
Well first figure out what kind of high you want. mostly in the head 30-70 clear and cloudy. Overall buzz mostly cloudy with maybe 10% amber. Mostly body buzz 50-50 amber/cloudy or more. I cut at the 10% clear, 70-80% cloudy and 10-20% amber. I like that overall buzz but don't want the sit your ass down buzz.

At this point you watch them like a hawk and cut a small peice of leaf for that microscope every other day.

Got your cut day supplies in order? How are your going to dry your harvest? Got some wide mouth mason jars for curing?


Elite Rolling Society

of couse someone that likes to argue, will argue with this post.

You can buy a $10 lighted battery operated 10X microscope at Radio Shack to examine the trichs.
You can wait until all the hairs are reddish or browish or dark beer colored.

again, all the above are rules of thumb and many will argue this, but until you've done a few grows and learn any better, this is good advise.


Active Member
haha yea i like the high that makes me geek out pretty much!!! where im smoking and then it hits me and i feel out of body jst stoned!!! but not the lazy sit on the couch either!!! i have the 60x-120x lighted magnifier and it worked great i was in a rush to go to work yesterday so i didnt really get a chance to examine the leaf carefully so im gna get another leaf in a few minutes and do it since i have no work far as harvesting and curing im gna follow the method that roseman gave me soo im gna go buy some boxes and here in houston we have a place called The Container Store where i can hopefully find the jars.....ahh im stoked!!! i NEVER thought i would make it this far!!! wait till you guys see my next grow that im gna start hopefully mid january early gna do at least a 15 plant grow and im gna need you guys help again cuz i plan to get alot more technical with this one but anyways i know this sounds kinda weird but maybe one of you 2 could pm ur number that way on harvest day i know im doin this correctly....


Elite Rolling Society
Normally in the past, I separate and label my harvest, Clear Trichs, Cloudy Trichs and Amber Trichs.

Uncle Ben is teaching to havest the top buds, or top 1/3 of the plant and do 4 more weeks of 12/12 Lights and mature the lower buds. I might try that this year,.


New Member
No light, no photosynthesis = lime green at best.

My only problem with partial harvest is that I grow perpetual. Seed, clone, finish flower, plant clone. A partial harvest would delay me in getting my next crop to the room when ready. It would be more productive but I'll just have to figure out something. Oh goody, more equipment to buy! A definate if you are growing for the medical needs of one patient.