first ever grow 5 white widdow


Active Member
this is my first ever grow hav bin readin up on these plants for about 3 months now. im growing 5 white widow atm.:leaf:

iv made a very cheap seedling room untill i get my grow tent 600 hps and all the other stuff.

this is my surrent seeding grow box nothing special.

any tip on how to improve it is welcome:dunce:



Active Member
2 days after i planted the cracked bean
just lookin in my cabin and found the 1st sign of life will post tomrrow night if more pop up and usefull tips for this stage?


Active Member
just checked on the plants and 3 of the 5 have sprouted :)
will post pics later on tonight


Well-Known Member
Hey i'm growing white widow too, all 5 of mine sprouted though.

I will watch your grow since your in exactly the same timeline as me :)


Well-Known Member
How much wattage of CFL you have going in there? If they sprout and stretch a lot it's due to lack of lumens. Also, most people will tell you aluminum foil is bad, use white poly or mylar. A 600 hps will serve you well, most pros get close to a LB per 600.


Active Member
yaeuh atm there is 2 30w clf and a 11w strip clf iv lowered my lights down a little
as for the foil its all i can use for about the next 2 weeks
do you think i should wire up one more clf in my box this is only a temp box il be using for about 2-3 weeks
u think i can mentain healthy seadings


Active Member
hey ryando im sure the 2 remaining will be coming up soon they where the last to germ


Well-Known Member
Well i'm using a 600w HPS, it will be interesting to see how much better HID HPS is compared to CFL.


Active Member
im gettin my 600 hps and tent in like 2-3 weeks so this is basicly just my seeding/clone chamber i think they should just about survive im installing 1 more 40 watt
i think i may have planted a few to many tho
anyway pics coming in about a hour when my mate goes


Active Member
here are some pics just before lights out

do they look like they are stretching to much ?
with the pc fans running it running at a constant 70.c and at night it drops to ABOUT 68.c




Well-Known Member
Brilliant work mate, so did all five pop? a link to my grow which is in exactly the same stage as yours is in my signature, hope you tag along.. are you posting photos daily.. i'd appreciate it :D


Active Member
yeauh il be posting daily pics :)
installing the 3rd light due to i feel like only 3 of the plants are getting enuf light
the 5th has just poped to the surface il keep checkin out ur post daily as well :)


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate, i just uploaded my photos.. waiting to see yours today, adding more light can't hurt! :)


Active Member
daily pics
the second pic looks like its going be be a very nice plant :)
should have my 600w tent in like the next 7 days now and its got a lot more room for lighting.
still not installed my 3rd light due to iv bin getting high most of today :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Looking good, make sure you post what day you are on each time you upload pics, just so i dont forget haha :P


Active Member
yeauh sorry dude i was at my gf so i couldnt take pics il be getting them on tonight tho :)


Active Member
ok so iv bin getting high all the time so il be postin pics tonight masive growth spurt 2nd set of true leaves apearing :)