First ever grow in soil, 1 week into flower - no nutes used

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
so here they are today, 3 weeks and a day into flower, looks like the bagseed is going to be ready a week or two before the white shark its buds are growing so fast but they have no weed smell to them at all but maybe that will change when it starts to bring out its THC, kinda wish i had took a cutting of this now :(



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
B.S. looks nice, it has already been bringin its THC at that point bro, just keep your fingers crossed that the smell comes through in the


Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
thanks fell'ah, yeah i hope the smell comes through, even though i've been more high of lesser smelling weed than stinky weed but i do still prefer it to have the auroma :)


Active Member
Might I just say those plants look incredible... Straight out of hightimes... Congratulations I'd be interested in knowing how much your yeild was :)