First Grow 10 plants ( White Rhino / Northern Lights ) 1000W HPS


New Member
Just starting my grow journal. So this way others can comment on my mistakes.

The current setup is in a room about 5feet by 7 which contains a big box constructed out of wood.
This grow is using the following:
1000 Watt HPS that has a DIY aircooled system that is keeping this room down to temps of 23
A vortex exaust fan going into a 2 foot carbon filter.
Will start using PureBlentPro Grow/Bloom.

The Room temperature is at 23.5 atm and humidity at around 35
Is there any way I can raise the humidity?

Anyway the 10 seeds 5 White Rhino (WR) and 5 Northers Lights (NL), both from Nirvate Seed Bank but purchased from Attitude Seed Bank, were germinated on Friday 14th and were germinated using the paper towel method which turned out to work good. but the seeds germinated for a while with roots coming out just cause the room was not ready for them yet. Eight were planted in the soil yesterday morning while the other 2, one of each strand, was still in the seed shell. At 6Pm today I went to check on the situation today and noticed that one of the White Rhinos was ready for planting and then I noticed that One of the Norther Lights was just breaking through the soil which made me kinda happy so i took a picture with my phone to show you guys.

Here is the picture of one plant mind u it is tiny about 35 hours after being placed in the soil.



Active Member
So far everything sounds good. To raise the humidity tou can either use a humidifier(easiest) or what I had to do was hang a bath towel in the room. I hung the towel, and the bottom was in a tub full of water. This way the towel wicke dup the water. It got my humidity up to 38%. It was at 12% before that. Once the plants get bigger this will also help with humidity, as the more foliage will help hold the humidity levels up. Hope this helps some.


New Member
So far everything sounds good. To raise the humidity tou can either use a humidifier(easiest) or what I had to do was hang a bath towel in the room. I hung the towel, and the bottom was in a tub full of water. This way the towel wicke dup the water. It got my humidity up to 38%. It was at 12% before that. Once the plants get bigger this will also help with humidity, as the more foliage will help hold the humidity levels up. Hope this helps some.
Ill try that out soon and report back the results and I will post more pictures of the setup soon. I think you guys will like it.


New Member
A little update. Here is the picture of the room and one one of the plants just 24 hours prior to the picture and since then all of the plants have sprouted but one that was planted late.
Also I have not had time yet to try the towel in a bucket method but I will try it out ASAP.
If you got any suggestions or comments please post.



Well-Known Member
Well, humidity has never been an issue for me (thank shiva!) but I'm diggin the wet towel idea, sounds like more of a subtle constant thing rather than fluctuating humidity and refilling too often. Are your seeds feminized or are we gonna have to bear witness to a choppin somewhere along the line?

PS Looks like a great room brother! Startin off strong! BUMP


New Member
Thank you and lots of work went into the room and finding out a way to ventilate the light. And yes we will have to witness a chopping at some point. They are nirvana seeds so that should improve our chances by atleast a bit.


New Member
Been Less the 24 hours since my last update. I finally got pictures of before how my ventilation was for the light and then how we fixed out heating problem by venting it out better.
First picture is of before how it was and second picture is after. First way let it heat up to 85-90 now it will stay at around 70. just by having a fan from a heater bring air in from outside into the box and also into the top of the light while another exact same fan just ventilates the light into another room.
There is also a picture of the exhaust and the carbon filter.
The rest of the pictures are of different plants all have sprouted now but the one that was planted a day late. I have also found out that one of the NL seeds probably wont germinate and so i started germinating a Power Skunk from G13 labs just to have all 10 plants going at once.

Feel free to post comments.



New Member
I put the towel in the room and before I closed it up the temperature was 75 and the humidity 25%. Will report back in soon.


New Member
5 Hours have passed and there is no improvement with the towel method yet for humidity. I will keep it up for a few more days to see if it will bring it up. I will keep you updated. I might just have to get a humidifier


New Member
Put the plants closer to the light and they seem to be growing at lot faster now. They are 20" below the light now. I will post updated pictures later on today.

The humidity towel method does not seem to work for my situation but that is probably because I have a vortex fan just sucking air out of my grow room at a fast rate.

The Power Skunk seed has just cracked and will be planted later on tonight.


New Member
I'm not gonna lie it really did seem like a good idea and I pretty sure that with a CFL grow and less ventilation the method would work but in my situation with a 1000w HPS and very good ventilation this is not the case.

Anyway ive got an update.

First off the power skunk has been planted after germinating for 2 days. So now there is 10 plants in the box.

Here are the pictures of some of the biggest plants. Any advice is appreciated since this is the first grow.



Well-Known Member
man, I gotta think a 1000w HPS for this early stage is WAYYYYYY overkill...I'd recommend CFL's for early veg, you can put them an inch from the plants with no heat worries. Plus that will let you raise the humidity via the towel method (assuming that actually does work) and turn off the venting for a few weeks.

what size pots are those? I'm curious why you decided to germ in such large containers...personally I always start off smaller, true it leads to transplanting more often, but you get a much finer control of how much watering is really needed, and when.

anyways, good looking grow so far, best of luck.


Well-Known Member
hi, looks good but i would say 1000watts is way to much for seedlings,a blue spec cfl would be better imo, also ...its a bit late now, but smaller pots would of been much better for those seedlings, pro growers(not that im one...) transplant twice (3 pots) through out a grow, sure these will come out fine... :-)


New Member
The Pots are measured to 3 gallons. It is kinda overkill and yes same with the lights but I don't pay for electricity so its fine. I have a feeling the seedlings will thank me for the HPS light later on and the big pots from start to finish.
The plan for my first grow was to not fuck up. I wanted to put as little stress on the plant as possible and just treat them like gods and spoil them.

At first I was thinking CFL lights but found it too much a hassal and would have much rather just get HPS from start. Plus I checked on them yestarday quicky and they are looking nice and healthy. I will post pictures later on today when my weekend guests leave the house.


Well-Known Member
The real test of the 1000w HPS for early veg will be the internode length when they're about a foot tall, i'd be afraid the red spectrum would cause stretching. Keep us updated.


New Member
Alright guests left early this morning. Plants are looking good and green. The Northern Lights are kill it, they are growing super fast they are a lighter green then the White Rhino which is like this green :weed:. The Power Skunk has finally sprouted and is like 1 inch off the ground this morning. The humidity is still at a 25 at plant height and the temperature 74-78.

Should I be making it colder then 74 during night or is this fine?

One of the NL plants has a yellowish undertone on some of the leafs.



New Member
Couple of the plants are starting to get more leafs coming.
Few of the leafs on a few plants are looking very thin and kinda wrinkly just like in this picture

Anyone know if this is a problem, if so how is it fixed?


Well-Known Member

but like others said, you should have gone with the bluish light CFLS, those and flouros are great for vegging.

like the set up!!! can't wait for you to start sexing them, I will help out if I can.
