First Grow 400 HPS lighting



  • My Afghan Skunk had been vegging for a month and a 1/2 (6 weeks)

Three horizontal views. All perspectives are different.

  • Two pictures of my LSD strain. They're around two weeks old.

Is a month and a half vegging good enough? Will 2 additional weeks have a noticeable effect on its yield?

*Btw im not exactly sure about the size of the pots but they're about a foot and and inch wide and around 10 inches high.​

your plants look good! I would probably prune them and let them grow for another 1-2 weeks after pruning, then put them in the flowering cycle. If you have any height limitations you might want to top them, I didnt top my plants and one grew too tall for my grow room.


Ok thanks for the advice. Do you reckon the leaves are falling downwards too much? Perhaps im giving them too much water. What watering schedule do you use? I watering the big afghan skunk every two other days w/ around half a gallon of water + nutrients.


Active Member
Its a good size to be flowered I think, might want a bigger pot for it though before you flip 12/12. Roughly 1 gallon of soil for every 1 month of growth is the rule of thumb. Btw, some strains just have drooping leaves, your leaves actually look nice and healthy on the afghan. When you flip expect a doubling of height, topping is more extreme than gentle LST or even supercropping - both can control the height just as effectively. Yeild is dependant on a few different things really, and if you are watering that often with nutes be careful how much you feed them and keep an eye on soil pH by testing your runoff. Peace :)

On second thought from your bird's eye phot they actually be looking a tad over-watered. Make sure the soil dries out (stick a finger in the soil a good 3 inches, should be alowed to dry that far down between waterings.


is the thumb rule 1 gallon for every month of vegetative growth? because otherwise ill need to get a 3 1/2 gallon bucket... where the hell's that gonna fit


Active Member
Bigger the pot, bigger the plant can be. I've never heard the "rule of thumb" on gallons/months. Fresh soil and more space for roots to grow are the benefits brother.

Remember when you flower, your plant gets much bigger. Watch that max light height and good luck!


Active Member
Unless you veg for close to 2months from seed, just consider veg as 1gal requirement. Roughly 8weeks flower - another 2 gal. Leaving you at a good standard 3gal sized pot.


Active Member
Bigger the pot, bigger the plant can be. I've never heard the "rule of thumb" on gallons/months. Fresh soil and more space for roots to grow are the benefits brother.

Remember when you flower, your plant gets much bigger. Watch that max light height and good luck!
Its just a rough guide to go by that a few different sources have recommended to me. Obviously you can keep it in a smaller pot if you want though.


Active Member
Well now that you kinda just mapped it out, I understand the logic behind your theory.
..but never smaller, always bigger!!