First grow:4wks and yellowing leaves :( please guide me


Active Member
Here's hoping flo! No the plant is not a 4inch it's a full sized growing pot, so that's why i was a bit nervous lifting it with all the weight around it . But how would I add perlite and guano without a full removal of the entire plant in a full sized pot?


Well-Known Member
like flow grow said , you can take them completely out of the pots with all the soil intact first to check the roots if they have reached the pots edge, that makes sense also.


Active Member
I just have to hope that if I press on all sides just hard enough.. The coco will all keep together, it tends to stay quite seperste though.. It doesn't really latch on to each other that well if you understand what Im trying to say


Active Member
Possibly? you can kinda see in the photos what it's pot sizes are, they are what I'd expect an everyday average sized outdoor plant to be in, but I can find out exactly how big they are from the store tomorrow? ... If you havnt already seen the photos flow they are a few pages back... I wasn't expecting this many responses :)


Active Member
Definitely a Nitrogen deficieny, I see you've done everything BUT raise the feedings so that's what i would do, get some nitrogen into those girls and they will perk right back up, but be careful not to over-do it. Good Luck.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Get ready for a few charts from me that growers need.

There might be some big ass gaps between charts/pics.
I haven't mastered the new way they have us posting them now, YET.
Then I'm off for another bowl of Double Purple

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Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Here's hoping flo! No the plant is not a 4inch it's a full sized growing pot, so that's why i was a bit nervous lifting it with all the weight around it . But how would I add perlite and guano without a full removal of the entire plant in a full sized pot?

I just have to hope that if I press on all sides just hard enough.. The coco will all keep together, it tends to stay quite seperste though.. It doesn't really latch on to each other that well if you understand what Im trying to say
Possibly? you can kinda see in the photos what it's pot sizes are, they are what I'd expect an everyday average sized outdoor plant to be in, but I can find out exactly how big they are from the store tomorrow? ... If you havnt already seen the photos flow they are a few pages back... I wasn't expecting this many responses :)

You would probably have to make another batch of coco/perlite for transplant, if it's needed.
It should stay together pretty good by now, since you've been watering/feeding for a while.
If you do have them in 11 liter pots, which is almost 3gal U.S., then you will be fine for the whole grow.


Active Member
ABrown thanks for your comment, I will be taking the plant out tomorrow and putting some guano and perlite in the mix as much as I can without breaking the roots surroundings. Should be fun! I will also put some guano on top but hopefully it won't stink out my plants :/

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
No more than a tablespoonful of guano, gently sprinkled all over the top of the coco.
As you water/feed over the next week or so, it will be slowly feeding the plants.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting if my pot is that big not to re pot and to add as much as possible?
If they are that big, then don't re-pot but treat the symptoms instead and first.
Transplant/re-pot only after they bounce back.


If you're going to mix that Guano in mate, be careful when adding the a+b not to add to much (N) to soon.

Good luck with it all, i'm sure they'l be fine.


Active Member
Thankyou all for your help. It's been a hard time refreshing my iPad ever 10minutes ti see who's responded but I can't thank you all enough for your help! I guess I will sprinkle 3 tablespoons over the coco tomorrow and use literally a drizzle or a and b whilst the guanocslowly sinks in to the plant, after a few days hopefully the new green...will stay green....and the yellow can eventually fall off and stop depressing me when I look in my little tent.

I will be updating this thread in exactly 7days so if your curious please come back here so I can hopefully show you some progress :) peace and love to all of you, I'm gonna hit the sack, I think we are on opposite sides of the planet ;)