First Grow - 5 Gal DWC - OG Kush - 3000W


Hey guys, this is my first grow ever. I'll get some pics up tomorrow. Picked up some OG Kush clones from a buddy of mine. So, decided to experiment with a DWC setup. I started this about 3 weeks ago, so they've been vegging for that long already.

Setup is as follows:

1 4x8 grow tent combined with one 4x4 for a 4x12 area
3 XXXL Ocho hoods
3 1000W Hortilux bulbs
55gal res
5gal controller
11 5 gallon buckets
2 EcoPlus Commercial Air5 pumps
2 6" airstones to each bucket
CO2 enriched sealed, no intake
2 10k btu ac's (was running 1, but it wasn't keeping it cool enough, i think the cool air was dissipating through the grow tent not really insulating)
1 8" vortex venting through the hoods, and straight out of the tent.
For veg nutrients right now, I'm using Canna Aqua vega, and will use aqua flores when I switch.

Well guys, be gentle on me, it is my first grow, and I'll probably be asking for lots of help, and most likely will make plenty of mistakes.

The first feeding I was giving them 1/2 strength mix of a&b, about 200 ml of each, and about 50ml of roots excellurator. And it was about 800ppm

The last feeding, I gave them full strength 400ml of a&b, and 50ml of roots excellurator. Ppm is about ~1000 now, and keeping the ph at 5.8
All I can say is, you lucky bastard. That has the potential to make anyone cream themselves if the job is done well

Most important things I can think for a newbie to look out for is pests. Keep your hands clothes etc CLEAN at all times when entering the grow room.

You can use pest spray/bombs up until the time you flower your garden. But never use them late in flowering. As a general rule, if crystal is developing its an absolute no no. Lets hope you don't get anything in there. Before you set up did you clear the air intake zone of pests ? its a good idea to bomb the entire area around your intake, when clear set up and could also consider some perimeter of bug killer. All depends what the air intake is like

Plants grow themselves. They will tell you if they are unhappy.

As for how big to grow the OG, probably veg for a few weeks so you'd be about due to flower soon. Could be some optimizations you could make like moving short plants to the center most directly under the light, etc

Be sure to get them big enough so you can remove lowest branches - keeps bugs off, gives good airflow, and a great place to get clones. Most important, low branches waste energy that can go into the top bud.

PPM and pH sound fine, stay at 5.8 to avoid problems with picky strains. Is it worth messing with ? IMO not really. As long as the water is slightly acidic the plant can take the nutrients. Talk to Canna support any time btw, they are meant to be great and one of the reasons many choose them. They know what you're growing and don't give a crap. I'd just up the PPM on the flower after 1-3 weeks as they really start to munch it

My OG seems strong as hell when it comes to feeding so an overfeeding problem is not going to come about unless you hit 2000PPM or more in mid flower IMHO :D what a great plant I can already see why people love it so much



thanks for the input, I've noticed on the last 3 clones I put in a little late, since I was gonna do 8 buckets at first, then moved it up to 11, after about a week, i seen some yellow spots on the top of leaf. I look under, and seen like little yellow black balls. Presuming they're spidermites, or spidermite eggs. So a few days ago, I put in a hotshot no pest strip in there, and check again today, and don't see really more or less of those 'eggs'. I don't see anything actually moving under the leaf's, do the spidermites move around? Do you think the no pest strips killed them?

You can use pest spray/bombs up until the time you flower your garden. But never use them late in flowering. As a general rule, if crystal is developing its an absolute no no. Lets hope you don't get anything in there. Before you set up did you clear the air intake zone of pests ? its a good idea to bomb the entire area around your intake, when clear set up and could also consider some perimeter of bug killer. All depends what the air intake is like
I don't really have an intake going into the tent, it's more like running through the hoods only, then like straight through the top, and to the attic fan.

thanks for your reply again brother!


here's some pics as promised guys. Any and all input is appreciated.

I've attached an image also, of the problem plant with spots, and maybe mites on it, can you guys let me know what you think please?


also, how the hell do i get my pictures to come out normal in the grow room? Without all those lines?



hey guys, just a quick update. hotshots no pest strip seems to have worked. no signs of eggs or bugs under leafs with spots. keeping fingers crossed. I'm thinking of flipping them after this feeding. It's like a jungle in there. Can barely walk anymore. PH was fluctuating a bit this week. Easy to fix though. Any input is appreciated.


Hey guys, so I decided to retake the pictures with a REAL camera, instead of my iphone. Hope you guys enjoy these a bit more. Any and all input is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

Sorry, no suggestions but I would like to compliment what you've got going on there....those plants look great and those roots look amazing. Good job, especially for your first grow.