First Grow - 5 Jack The Ripper Clones


Well-Known Member
im a newbie just starting what is the correct soil and fertilizer to use i got all purpose miracle grow plant food and everything m reading and learning is so complicated what is the cheapest and easiest way to grow
Keep your MG soil, go buy a couple of air pots, get some Jacks Dynamic Duo fertilizer. Less than $100 and you'll be set. Check out ClosetGrowth's thread for shots of the air pot/ Jack's Dynamic Duo combo. Right now they're growing faster than his DWC plants. He uses hella generic soil like the MG too.


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry for not checking this lately. Ended up with 3 - 4 zips, which isn't phenomenal but not awful either. This has definitely motivated me to move on to bigger and better things. And the bud is awesome, even without a full cure on it yet. Flavor and scent really started to come back strong. And the high is incredible, exactly the kind I like.

For anyone that reads this journal, I highly recommend trying out Jack the Ripper. My grow was low budget and relatively basic and they did great, even under shop lights for the majority of their lives.

I am very happy with my first grow, and it easily paid for itself and then some after my harvest (not because I sold it, but because of the offset cost of purchasing bud for a couple months). I do not recommend, condone or partake in selling cannabis - especially to minors.

Good luck, thanks, and peace.


Active Member
Just read your through your journal phyzix-- if I can do have as good I'll be happy! Job well done, and now your hard work has been rewarded. Cheers bud.