first grow, advice and comments?


so this is my first grow, very cheap, more trying to learn than anything.. i have 4 27w cfls for 7 seedlings, didn't buy the seeds (they came in a package heh) so figured why the hell not.. here they are, first picture 11 days since sprouting, second picture 9 days.. they are in scotts potting soil, roots are really visible in the first batch, and not so much, but still visible in the second.. i've been too broke to buy fertilizer but i'm going to get the organic stuff tomorrow mentioned in another thread. any comments please


they look nice but it is time to get them in bigger pots. and get them out of the clear cups. that is the reason why there is no sun under ground. roots in soil don't like light. but they are nice and green. but it is going to get worse before it gets better:)


yeah, like i said it was really cheap and out of nowhere haha thanks though.. how big do you think? atleast to hold them until i can see what gender they are, just because i don't have a ton of space..