First grow - all my plants are dying


Hi guys,

So I planted 4 plants, and 3 of them are now dead. The 4th seemed fine, but now its starting to display the same symptoms. Any idea whats wrong? See picture below.

Edit: I should add that all 4 plants were replanted, because the stem was too tall - some suggested it could be stress from that replanting, but the first 3 and the 4th in particular has developed several new leaves since, so i dont see how it could be stress.

2014-03-10 17.52.58.jpg


Well-Known Member
U shouldn't have replanted. U got bad advice. My guess is you damaged the roots in the move. If you keep watering it may come back.


Yeah i fear the replanting was a bad idea as well. Have 3 planted and a fourth on the way if this one dies. No way i will replant this time.

Doubt its heat stress, the room is 24-26 degrees (75-79)


Well-Known Member
Did you have a smooth transplant? You know kept roots intact, undamaged and whatnot. Also how long ago was the transplant.
I just moved one seedling to a new pot as it was growing alongside another plant by mistake, must have dropped it in somehow, as i moved the dirt away and pulled the plant i heard a small snap and about 2mm of the root had broken at the bottom, I still planted it with plenty water and light and it continues to grow today, I hope your plant continues to grow like mine just make sure you have plenty water and if using cfl put the light 1-3 inches away from the plant, good luck


I thought the transplant went smooth, didnt take more than a few seconds per plant.

I cant set teh light 1-3 inces from the plants. The temperature is, as mentioned, 75-79 degrees, it will rise if i put the light closer.

If the pH in my water was too high, could that display the symptoms shown in the picture.

Thank you for your answers.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what lights your running. Im assuming CFL. You had mentioned about the temps and not getting closer... If thats the case ad a fan, or redirect your running fan so it goes across your light, thatll keep temps in check-ish. But thats not your problem right now. Id leave it go for a few days, note changes and what not. I think itll swing back. Ive had two rougher looking plants come back after about 1.5 - 2 weeks of shock.


Not sure what lights your running. Im assuming CFL. You had mentioned about the temps and not getting closer... If thats the case ad a fan, or redirect your running fan so it goes across your light, thatll keep temps in check-ish. But thats not your problem right now. Id leave it go for a few days, note changes and what not. I think itll swing back. Ive had two rougher looking plants come back after about 1.5 - 2 weeks of shock.
Yes i am running a CFL lamp, and a HPS should i ever hit the flowering stage. I already have a fan pulling air out of the tent, and a fan blowing on the plants.
I hope it will bounce back, but the other 3 plants with the same symptons died, i fear this one will too - but i will leave it alone and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
At this point thats really all you can do. Just hope its looking that way because its using ALL its resources creating a nice root structure.

Here to hoping it bounces back and takes off!!