First grow and need a few question awsered


ok, well i had some seeds that i collected over a space of a year that i picked out of 'good smokes' and decided to plant them. what i didnt realise is i didnt know which seed came from which smoke, all that i knew was that half where skunk and the other was your UK redstring Thai. so i have planted two germinated seeds in one pot. first question, what would happen if i have a thai plant and skunk plant growing next to each other in the same pot? i have also used a lamp bulb to light them and have noticed taht after 2days they still havnt rised from the soil. could this be a result to the lamp bulb instead of other more powerfull light sources? someone please help and any comments would be welcomned!



Well-Known Member
PLZ don't take this the wrong way....but you NEED to see the newbie central posts. First, it's called "Bagseed" and I find it hard to believe that over the course of a year, you only had these two great weed strains. Second, for the love of all that is smokeable, get a better light source.
Third, how deep did you plant your "germinated seeds".....and do you even know what germinated seeds are? Fourth, NOTHING will happen if you plant 2 seeds in 1 pot except for the fact that it's frickin STUPID to do so unless the pot is a ten gallon with a divider. And lastly......2 days does not a plant make.

I say again........go to the newbie all there is to read about growing, and don't come back until you learn.

Otherwise, I'm sorry to rant, but you really should read up some more before you attempt to grow. At this point, your plant(s) will compete for space, your light is too weak, the roots will become bound, and you have a 50/50 chance that each seed will be a female.

Your space is ok, but sub the light with at least a high output CFL, and as for the sprout, give it a couple more days. The light has no effect on timing when waiting for a sprout to break the surface. It won't matter till the first two leaves break ground, and that depends on how deep you planted the seedlings, and how packed the soil is.


ok well ye i germinated the seeds in da old fasion wet paper towel way and da white tails stuk out atleast half a inch before i planted it in and i didnt plant it in too deep, you can just about see the nots in the soil. what light should i change to and what would exacly happen if i left my two seeds in the same pot???
dont hesitate I NEED TO LEARN


Well-Known Member
ok well ye i germinated the seeds in da old fasion wet paper towel way and da white tails stuk out atleast half a inch before i planted it in and i didnt plant it in too deep, you can just about see the nots in the soil. what light should i change to and what would exacly happen if i left my two seeds in the same pot???
dont hesitate I NEED TO LEARN

:leaf:Ok, well first off, I'm sorry if I sounded like a d*ck before....I just re-read my post. For starting seeds 2CFL's, or Compact Flourescent Lights hung about 4 inches above the tops of the sprouts should do you fine for a while. (They're the sqiuggly low watt lights found at wal-mart in case you don't know.) The higher the light output, the better. As far as the seeds, if the pot is small, the roots will tangle and fight for space in the soil. That will slow the growth, and you could possibly lose a plant. Keep in mind that you will need to transplant eventually. NOW if the pot is a ten gallon, and you planted them far apart, it could very well work out for you with some LST work, or "Training' of the branches away from each other.

This is just for starters.....if you want to make a low-cost grow room/closet/area, look into some of the other growers stuff to get some ideas. There are lots of great grow setups out there. For a quick example, you can find mine at . It's just one example, and purely my own preference.:leaf:


Active Member
Hey bro wuts up? i just started my first grow also about a week and 5 days ago after doing ALOT AND ALOT OF RESEARCH but still always learning of course.. but i agree with cola collector i dun think thats a big enuff pot to have 2 seeds growing in there man. and u definitly will need a better light atleast a florescent or a couple of cfls will do the job for now... here if u want u can take a look at my setup i got and my babies that are about a week and 5 days now see if u can get n e ideas from it and also try looking into alot of newbie central fourms u'll find alot of useful information