First Grow Bagseed w/CFLs (pics)


Well-Known Member
So I had a HUGE scare today. My power went out for 1-2 seconds, BUT it scared the crap out of me b/c I realized I am not prepared for any kind of loss of power. This is one HUGE advantage soil has over DWC I guess.

Any ideas of what I should do if I lose power?


Well-Known Member
Buy a SHIT load of candles. LOL jk

You could get a generator... Wait till you need it.. run to the store, buy one.. use it.. return it.


Well-Known Member
Generator is not practical where I live. I'm not so worried about the lights being off, just my airstones...............


Well-Known Member
A generator is practical anywhere --- if the power's off. Well that shit up the stairs, through your apartment and onto the porch. lol


Well-Known Member
wow your plants came a long way..

i about shit myself when i seen this picture and realized what that exact plant looked like in the beginning. i actually have it as my background on my archos 605. awesome job


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm getting nervous as hell right now. I'm in the winter storm sweeping through the ohio valley. Its been freezing rain all day....there is ice everywhere. I really hope I do not lose power for any significant amount of time. If i did lose power, how long would I have.......anyone know? Dammit, I don't think I am going to sleep tonight!!!!


Well-Known Member
Swale, have you thought about investing in an Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS?

You can get one that will run a 300W computer for 20 minutes without power, if only running a couple of air pumps, it should hold out for over and hour or so. You can get one starting at about $50. Get them anywhere... walmart, target, best buy, circui--- oh wait, they're out of business.


Well-Known Member
Diggity, I have looked into this and might be picking one up. I think I will be alright with this latest bout with the far so good.......


Well-Known Member
how often do you guys get blackouts? over here i get storms all the time but blackouts dont usually occur at all. so i guess you should be ok. btw i paperclipped LST to some holes i poked along the circumference of the pot. fishing weights would work to some extent but you would have to keep adding weights daily because plants are pretty strong =P


Well-Known Member
I have a pwer backup... Prob is when the power goes out in my area it ends up staying out for like 3+ days.


Well-Known Member
In my area, we don't lose power at all except for ice storms (like right now), wind storms, and the occasional lightning strike maybe. So really no blackouts at all....just at the mercy of good ole Mother can't help but love her!


Well-Known Member
Well, I know it's only been a couple days since my last update, but I am bored so this gives me something to do. I think I might be out of the woods as far as my power going out. If I can make it to Sunday I am golden! Thanks to all for the help/suggestions concerning a power outage. Not really anything new. Buds just look a little bit better, and my smaller plant is coming along well. So I won't keep you waiting!

Bud shot on the bigger plant.....

Another bud on bigger plant...

Finally, buds are forming on my smaller plant!!!!!

Inside the jungle of my smaller plant....

Inside the jungle of the bigger plant.....

Another shot inside the bigger plant.....

Picture of both of the girls!!!

I am thinking my smaller plant is about 2 weeks behind my bigger one. It seems the vertical growth of the bigger girl has slowed considerably....I doubt it will get much taller. A week or so ago I trimmed maybe 5-7 fan leaves off the bigger plant to allow more light penetration to the lower buds and I believe it has worked out fantastic. So, I decided to trim a couple fan leaves off my smaller plant....i think 3 or 4. Thanks to all who have been following the journal and offering advice. I'll leave you now with a shot of 2 fan leaves i trimmed today.

Thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
beautiful update man. i wish i were a miniture person and i would live in that jungle haha. anyway, maybe as a souvenir of your first plant put the leaves inbetween pages of a book, close the book, and come back a month later and you will have something to frame =P


Well-Known Member
DAY 30 of Flower

Not much more to report. But, I am now a full 30 days into flowering. Buds on the bigger plant are starting to fill out a little more. Buds on the smaller plant are coming along slowly but surely. The leaves on the bigger plant are a lot darker shade of green than the smaller plant. The look of the buds just makes me want to invest in a HPS. CFLs are awesome, but I can't wait until my next grow with a HPS light. I can't really think of more information to give you all so here are some pictures!

Bud shot on bigger plant...

Same bud, farther back view...

Bud shot on smaller plant...a little farther behind growth wise...

Inside the jungle of the smaller plant....

Inside jungle of the bigger plant...

Different shot inside jungle of bigger plant...

View of both plants....

Another view of both plants...

Thanks for looking!

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
it would be nice if you have a bigger room because that gonna be a crazy leaf to bud ratio.......... hopefully its still works out though...


Well-Known Member
Looking good, your definitely going to enjoy the smoke.

Glad to hear your going to be a CFL - HPS convert.

Keep us updated, as always.