First Grow ,BB Blue cheese - 4 Week flowering


Hi RIU community im new to growing well im a newbie as its my first grow and im just learning what i can along the way, i just want too hear other growers opinions on my girls and how they look , there is also another thing i been wondering about i have 8 plants all the same strain and all was roughly the same height through vegging but there is 1 plant that is smaller then all the rest tell me what you think from the pictures , thanks


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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
very nice plants, exceptionally nice being your first grow
Dr. Jekyll

yeah you got a runt, not much you can do about it, but it still may turn out to be the pick of the litter, don't rule her out yet as I always cheer for the underdog
Mr. Hyde


Thank you for the response , the dwarf weed will be there till the end and hopefully by then it looks like a little steroid plumpped up bodybuilder, and thanks again its nice too hear positive comments from others

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
That looks amazing bro, I woulda guessed you've been doing this for years! The force is strong with this one!


Thanks alot guys, i picked blue cheese as they sell them in walking distance from me so saved me ordering some online but ive already been searching the web for my next strain on my next grow also im looking for a good LED light system ive seen blackdog LED's doe's anyone know if these are the dog's bollocks? any info on LED's will be great as ive heard there alot of crappy stuff out there and dont want too waste my £££ on a light that will do as much for my girls as a house bulb , thanks for the responses really doe's give me a confidence boost


Theres 2x 600w HID lights , Each light covers 4 plants each but they drain the electric thats why ive been looking at LED's as i want too keep growing as i love opening my tent and thinking "ive done that" when like 2 week befour i started i didnt have a clue how to plant a seed , mainly thanks too all you guys on here for shareing your experiance with fellow growers or i would still be looking at empty pots twiddling my thumps