First Grow, Closet 400W! Help Needed


Active Member

1 closet approximately 7 feet long 3 feet wide, currently separated by a white sheet and lined with more white sheet. One side has seedlings being sprouted by cfls and the other a 400 watt hps with three 2 week old bag seed plants. This setup although working, was somthing I threw together on a whim to prove to myself I was able to grow in this area under these conditions.

Living in New England I hope to be able to plant these bagseed plants outside by the end of April which will have given them a month of vegitation or so. I'm not too concerned with these it was more of an experiment. What I Am concerned about is this:

I now have 2 two Foot Long Grow Light Fluorescent tubes, 4 100w CFLs and a 400w HPS. 5 High Quality Seed which flower in 6-8 Weeks and Either Five or Ten more High Quality Kerela Krush seed purchased online. The ceiling Height I'm dealing with in this closet is about 4 feet.
How many plants would be feasible in this amount of light with this amount of space? Do I have enough light/space to Veg even 6 plants to the point of juding their sex? I hate to veg all these seeds only to find I don't have the room for all of the girls. I'm at a loss, any suggestions would be a help.
THanks Guys


Well-Known Member
figure a four by four to a 6 by 6 area MAX! That's all the 400 watt will cover, the rest I only really consider supplemental anyways. I'd say probably 3 or 4 bushy guys or maybe as many as 8 to ten of you flower small for a sea of green.


Well-Known Member
figure a four by four to a 6 by 6 area MAX! That's all the 400 watt will cover, the rest I only really consider supplemental anyways. I'd say probably 3 or 4 bushy guys or maybe as many as 8 to ten of you flower small for a sea of green.
I second that. 3 or 4 bushes or 8 to 10 or even 12 little buggers.


Active Member
I think the 4 foot ceiling limits you to seedlings and clones, I wouldn't even use the HPS because of the heat, but you have a ton of room to make 100s of clones. Label and seperate them, plant them in groups in the woods so you can sex them and clear cut the males. If you can get 50 female outdoor plants harvested, you'll have the $ to put up a grow tent.


Well-Known Member
I think the 4 foot ceiling limits you to seedlings and clones, I wouldn't even use the HPS because of the heat, but you have a ton of room to make 100s of clones. Label and seperate them, plant them in groups in the woods so you can sex them and clear cut the males. If you can get 50 female outdoor plants harvested, you'll have the $ to put up a grow tent.
I agree the height would limit you to smaller plants. You can swing a 400w in that area with a lot of fan power. I have a 3x2x7 closet with 650w and temps are no prob. I just have a 465 cfm fan on them going through diy cool tubes. And I have my lights about 6 inches from the plant tips.

And dude, if you harvested 50 female outdoor plants you'd have money to buy a small city, nevermind a tent.


Well-Known Member
For sure, that many out door would be dope if you've got the place to do it I'd aim for that. Otherwise I would suggest an auto-flowering strain to try to compensate for height.


Well-Known Member
For sure, that many out door would be dope if you've got the place to do it I'd aim for that. Otherwise I would suggest an auto-flowering strain to try to compensate for height.
ok so I totally feel like a copy machine, but I want to emphasize the good ideas of others.

Auto-flowering would be perfect for a short space like that. You could scrog them too, hold em down with a screen, but it is a lot of work for a first grow, or any grow.