First Grow - Dr. Atomic - Atmoic Northern Lights

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Drugs Taught Me Metric!
YO man- been meaning to ask you. How is that Eliteness treatin you? I was thinking about signing up but I wanted to get your opinion on it first. You like?


Well-Known Member
YO man- been meaning to ask you. How is that Eliteness treatin you? I was thinking about signing up but I wanted to get your opinion on it first. You like?
Well you meet some good people on here and you have more freedom with your posts! The main reason I paid is simply because I waste enough bandwidth on here, so I might as well pay!


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Yea, thats how I was thinking lol... I`ll prolly check it out for a while and see how it is. thanks


Well-Known Member
Looks great!
Are you planning another transplant, or are those the end pots too? I ask only because I've just put mine in 10" as well and am curious. I suck at transplanting.. lol
Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Looks great!
Are you planning another transplant, or are those the end pots too? I ask only because I've just put mine in 10" as well and am curious. I suck at transplanting.. lol
Happy growing.
I am going to leave them in those pots for the long haul. I believe, for the short indica they are, that 3 gallons of space is plenty for my girls! They are only going to be a few feet tall. If I was growing a SATIVA FOREST then I would have used slightly larger!

Hope that helped.


Well-Known Member
that 3 gallons of space is plenty for my girls!
If I was growing a SATIVA FOREST then I would have used slightly larger!
Ha! That is just what I want to read, So the 3 gal pots are 10"? During the whole cycle are you going to leave the pots touching? I'm trying to gauge how large an area I can deal with.

Your plants look great man, you're doing it all right, just keep it up! You have another reader. Can't wait to see some nug photos!! I kind of really want to get some NL seeds.


Well-Known Member
Ha! That is just what I want to read, So the 3 gal pots are 10"? During the whole cycle are you going to leave the pots touching? I'm trying to gauge how large an area I can deal with.

Your plants look great man, you're doing it all right, just keep it up! You have another reader. Can't wait to see some nug photos!! I kind of really want to get some NL seeds.

Thanks man, appreciate the kind words. Yes, 10" pots equate to about 3 gallons. I chose Northern Lights because its a wicked high, they are short and stout and extremely resilient.

I am not going to keep them touching the entire cycle. I plan on starting 12/12 next weekend, so I will weed out the males as they come. I hope they get about 2.5'-3' tall by the end.

On a side note, second feeding was applied yesterday. We raised the food to 350ppm. I will provide updates tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Day 31

Temperature: 81
Relative Humidity: 25%
Plant Height: 7"-9.5"

It's been 4 days since the last update. A bit has transpired. Lets go in chronological order:

Saturday - plants were fed with 350ppm of GH Grow + Micro. They were also given 1mL of Advanced Nutrients Barricade. No signs of nutrient burn, they ate it up. My girls are heavy eaters.

Sunday - The girls were left unattended and because of this they hit their all time low temperature (61 degrees). The soil was cold and wet, and the girls looked pretty close to dead Sunday evening. However, the daytime temperature creeped to 71 and the girls bounced out of the shock quickly.

Today the girls looked fantastic. All signs of yellowing have disappeared, and there is lots of growth. They are all between 7" and 9.5". They are bushy, and there is lots of leaf growth and new growth. We are going to let them vegetate for another week. Hopefully they will be 12" at least by Saturday or Sunday. We will then flip the switch to 12/12 and watch these girls start to explode. I know when we flip them, they are going to expand, branch out and become even more bushy. They have lots of growth underneath the main branches just waiting to be pushed out.

We also encountered some rodent infestation (in the form of a curious kitty). She decided it would be delightful for her to sample half of our crop with her lovely teeth. She got a few big chunks off some of the leaves, but in retrospect its not a big deal. She is no longer welcomed in our sanctuary ;).

Enjoy the pictures.



Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Looking real nice man. Looks like the plants are loving the nutes. Lol your journal is funny- remind me of myself... Almost EVERY one of your picture updates there is something different. It seems like your always constantly trying to think of ways to improve and then you do... cause we smoke pot and thats what we do best... lol Looks like you know what your doing man.. keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Day 33

Temperature: 75 - 85
Relative Humidity: 25% - 35%
Plant Height: 7" - 10"

Not much to report. There is minor yellowing on new growth which leads me to believe they need to be fed again. This will be done tomorrow.

Yesterday, during mid-afternoon we removed all plants from under the HID for about 45 minutes. During this time they were watered with pure water. They were bone dry, and as soon as the water hit the soil I knew they were ready to go. We also misted the plants, and then left the plants to dry before I put them back under the light.

They have grown up to an inch since yesterday afternoon. Tomorrow they will be fed with a nutrient blend again.



Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Ahh yes, very nice looking collection of plants you got there sir. Wish I had a good strain like that.. or that many plants. Is the "we" a buddy or a wife? Keep reading you say we. Man though, nice lookin plants. All are growing pretty evenly. Should get a lot of nice bud. I will be posting some pics of mine in about 20 minutes.. I have to take them off my phone first. Keep it up man.


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes, very nice looking collection of plants you got there sir. Wish I had a good strain like that.. or that many plants. Is the "we" a buddy or a wife? Keep reading you say we. Man though, nice lookin plants. All are growing pretty evenly. Should get a lot of nice bud. I will be posting some pics of mine in about 20 minutes.. I have to take them off my phone first. Keep it up man.
Only a buddy! Not stupid enough to get married quite yet.

Thanks for checking in!


Active Member
Hehe im growing mine a bit faster than you for some odd reason 30days in and have 9-10 inches on both plants. But following steps with u except nutes. Only use Mother Earth Tea which is working well with no yellow. But i think i will grow mine a bit around 14-15inches on one and the other to 18-19inches and see how much of a difference how much yield difference is on this plant. Need to keep track of everything. Hope both mine are female too:P But keep up the posting cuz ima be checking up to see and compare with mine^_^!!


Well-Known Member
Day 35

Temperature: 75 (L) - 87 (H)
Relative Humidity: 30%-35%
Plant Height: 6.5" (RUNT) - 9.5" - 12.5"

Today the plants were fed with a 350ppm solution. They were given a solution consisting of G-M-B. Emphasis was given on BLOOM and MICRO because in the next few days they will be transfered into the BLOOM STAGE. They were due for a watering and they were soaked with 6litres of this solution. These pictures were taken 9 hours after the watering. Before I watered I measured the runt and the tallest plants. They have grown 1.5" in 9 hours.

Hoping to flower once most plants reach 15"-18". Odds are this will occur on Monday or Tuesday. Therefore flowering will commence early next week (one more watering). They will be fed with a 450ppm solution the same day the lights are switched to 12/12.

These pictures aren't as detailed but you can already see how much growth is occurring on the plants. Lots of undergrowth and these things are damn bushy. Minor pruning has been occurring on lower leaves.


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