First Grow Ever 1 Bagseed 2 Randoms from


Active Member
:leaf:Temp 60-65
Hum 70%
Tap Water
20-4 Light cycle
6' Fan

2 Marijuana plants are doing great (5 weeks Veg). really bushy. should i be trimming leaves or leaves on the bottom?

Third Plant is bagseed, on 8 weeks on veg. About to flower in a couple days once i can seperate a flower area. Its only in a 6'' pot so im worried about the roots. There are brown/yellow spots on the leaves i think are from the water drip glass bulb thing, i took that out, i need you plant doctors to give me a diagnosis. The spots only showed up since i started using the aqua globe. What nutes do i need that i can pick up from someplace like acehardware lowes or home depot for the flowering? And also should i trim the branches on the bottom that wont yield that much?



Active Member
damn sir....are u growing in a fallout shelter? plant looks great though. yellowing, i've learned recently may come from a lack of nitrogen. good luck to ya.


Active Member
I started Flowering the big plant today. Im concerned I dont have all of the light blocked out. Plants are doing fine but I can see fleas flying around the soil and leaves. I have two big bug sticky traps but i dont think thats going to fix it completely. I also am germinating two feminized auto-berrys, should be in soil by this weekend. :-) And yes my grow cave is enormous, its like 55 degrees in there now, i want to add a space heater but im already paranoid as hell about starting a fire.
The pics are taken today, there are also some old ones thrown in there.
Any advice is much appreciated:clap:



Well-Known Member
Whatcha worried about catching fire? The dirt floor or the concrete walls? Haha, just messing man, looking good! You might wanna take the time to completely seal off your flowering plant. Be a shame to have light leaks stress her out while she's trying to bud. But other than that, looking good! I don't know about the spots on your plant. Have you ever had any mold or fungus issues in that basement? Hope it's not a plant disease. Anyway, keep up the good work!


Active Member
I was in a rush to put in another timer and water the plants so i accidently set the 2 little guys to 12/12 and the big plant on the other timer. the shitty part is the other timers little buttons all got pushed in so it was under constant light for maybe 48 hours. I am leaving the lights off for about 18 hours then setting it on 12/12.:wall:

Is it too late to put the little guys back on 20/4 after 12/12 for 48 hours???

Also im looking hard for a 400hps on the internets so i can get somthing worth while out of these kids. And one of the Auto berry seeds has sprouted but no green yet, the other one hasnt opened up yet. its also been 48 hours.


Active Member

I put the other two into flowering 12/12. I had a problem with the timed power strip. long story short 2 lights were on when they should have been sleeping, i hope nothin happens to the kids. Im insulating the area with blankets trash bags and old carpet but the temps are still 50-55. I put a space heater on a timer to go on when the lights are off, Ill see how that goes. I transpanted the big plant into a slightly larger pot. theres a mix of different lights. Are they enough? The two autoberrys are doing good, very tiny and in a closet under 2 26watt cfls.
3 - 42 watt 2700
3-13 watt 2700
3-26 6500
1 - 26 - 4500


Active Member
Going well.stopped the brownspotsby removing the aqua globe and upgrading the pot the big plant was in. The other two are doing well, all of them have little white hairs. I also managed to up the temps to 60 with the lights on and 65 with the lights off. Im also not using any nutes, any recommendations? I dont want anything crazy. The autoberrys are good but one is fallin over, gonna put a fan in there soon, see if that helps. Any comments are appreciated:blsmoke: