First Grow Ever...using Aerogarden


Well-Known Member
I seriously recommend russian rocket fuel strain KC! I got over an ounce out of my tiny plant! and my plant took a beating till the end (heat issues,ph,nute burn,root rot etc lol). I'm sure with the care you give them you can have a much larger yield, and the RRF only gets about 10 inches tall!!! So it's a space saver!
And I have to say, it is awesome! So much resin and very potent.
Let us know how those buds turn out


Well-Known Member
the buds look great kitty...any update as to the big girl if she pulls though even in a damaged shape you should be able to get some serious weight I think...but again this is my first grow as well.


Active Member
Nice lookin buds. Its going to be nice to get high on your own supply. +rep fa sho.
Yes it is going to be a great feeling...thanks for your support!!!

the buds look great kitty...any update as to the big girl if she pulls though even in a damaged shape you should be able to get some serious weight I think...but again this is my first grow as well.
Will post new pics of the big girl of her on pg 14 after her transplant and root raping!!! lol She received a major pruning today so she is resting up until morning...

i think big girl wasnt an auto thats why she flowered at 12/12
by the way there looking great
Guess she wasn't but I am hoping for a decent yield if she pulls through....


Active Member
If theres a possibility she wasnt an auto then cloning is back in the question?

I had a bagseed im growing and she started flowering with aboit 22 hours of she an auto? Again bagseed


Active Member
If theres a possibility she wasnt an auto then cloning is back in the question?

I had a bagseed im growing and she started flowering with aboit 22 hours of she an auto? Again bagseed
No I am not going to clone her...I think she is still an auto....a very stressed auto from the start and with all she went through I think it was my fault she got all fucked up!!! Plus with a 17 year old son in the house I don't have the room for all that. I already have my next grow started and will need to move it into where the Big Girl is in about 5 weeks.

I would say if you had a bagseed start to flower with 22 hours of light then she is possibly an auto...


Active Member
Lookin any betteer today??
She seems to be doing a bit better...she has quite a bit of new growth...pinched off a number of yellow leaves which were about to fal off anyway. Will post new pics of her tomorrow morning. Thanks for thinking about her!!! Send some good Karma her way while you smoke a big fattie!!!!
wow this looks great hey i plan on gettin the same system and growin a plant of the same strain so gimme some tips and info?