First grow, grow closest almost complete


Active Member
Looking at pics from 2 days ago it's crazy how fast they are growing now. Gave my first dose of vegetative strength nutes yesterday and I think they liked that. Just have to keep it off the ducking leaves. Hope it doesn't cause dead spots on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Looking at pics from 2 days ago it's crazy how fast they are growing now. Gave my first dose of vegetative strength nutes yesterday and I think they liked that. Just have to keep it off the ducking leaves. Hope it doesn't cause dead spots on the leaves.
I wouldn't worry, they look great!
I agree, it looks to be a spill.
I really like using a small plastic squeeze bottle for early feed. Never spill a drop.



Active Member
That's a good idea, I did a full fledged flush today cause the burn started to spread, pretty sure I hit them too hard with nutes. I hope the flush puts a stop to the problem. Would hate to lose these plants right now. Will a flush usually stop receiving nute burn from continuing to spread. I ran 2 gallons of ph'do water thru about two gallons of coco/perlite.


Active Member
I know not what to do next grow now that's forshre, take it easy on nutes and defiantly not get it on three plants.


Well-Known Member
That's a good idea, I did a full fledged flush today cause the burn started to spread, pretty sure I hit them too hard with nutes. I hope the flush puts a stop to the problem. Would hate to lose these plants right now. Will a flush usually stop receiving nute burn from continuing to spread. I ran 2 gallons of ph'do water thru about two gallons of coco/perlite.
You will be fine buddy.
Good work!


Active Member
Thanks, most the plant still looks great and new growth looks terrific. It has really perked back up since I flushed the coco this morning. Was starting to look a little sickly


Well-Known Member
When would you recommend I start nutes again? I planned to give it probably 3 days maybe 4 unless told different. And I'm going to start with a weak nute solution again
Me personally, I would have given 1/4 strength at the end of the flush.
If not then, I would do the same when she dries out.
I'm no expert btw, but I think your girl looked great.


Active Member
Ok cool, I probably will when it dries out a little. New growth looks terrific so think it's good for now. Thanks by the way. Here it is now. Staying short and fat which is great for my setup



Well-Known Member
Ok cool, I probably will when it dries out a little. New growth looks terrific so think it's good for now. Thanks by the way. Here it is now. Staying short and fat which is great for my setup
Very nice.
What are your plans? LST?


Active Member
Yep, once it gets a little taller I plan to train it to stay short if necessary. I have 2 plants going. The way they are growing i don't know how tall they will get tho. They are femed WHite Widow from nirvana. Lots of the reviews I read on this specific strain from nirvana says they tend to stay very short and bushy which why I picked them. I can't handle anything over 3' with my setup.


Active Member
Oh damn, that is very nice. Very healthy and full looking. That is what I strive for. I might try a auto next


Active Member
So do use think they look OK? and what nutes do use recommend, any info on maximizing my plants yield potential? Ino about supercropping and pruning etc but would like them to reach there full potential as royal queen seeds say that the strain is of a medium yield but through researching and various forums I've heard these plants don't yield a lot? Any advice would be great thanks :)


Well-Known Member
So do use think they look OK? and what nutes do use recommend, any info on maximizing my plants yield potential? Ino about supercropping and pruning etc but would like them to reach there full potential as royal queen seeds say that the strain is of a medium yield but through researching and various forums I've heard these plants don't yield a lot? Any advice would be great thanks :)
I don't want to highjack this journal but if you start one of your own I would be more than happy to offer up any input I have.
More importantly, your own journalbwillbattract some of the veteran growers to add their specific recommendations as well.

They do look really nice. I would love to see some training
