First grow / guerilla grow. Need help with soil related questions.


Hi, this will be my first grow ever also a guerilla grow. I couldn't decide where I should open the thread newbie central or here but since this will be a guerilla grow I thought people here might guide me better. I've just recently decided to grow my own cannabis after years of buying from dealers. I've tried to read as much as possible in the last few weeks. I've ordered some seeds that I thought suitable for my climate and they've just arrived. I will be planting both Auto and Photoperiod seeds since I wanted to learn what its like to work with both. Also I don't want to wait till november till can smoke some of my own weed.

I have few soil and soil related questions. I'll try to explain my situation as best as possible, I would really appreciate it you could help me:

1. I don't know the ph or qualities of the soil exactly, but I've found several papers from nearby universities about the area that I'll be planting. If I had planned earlier to do something like this I'd have sent the soil from exact spot to a lab for analysis, but it's a bit late now, maybe next year. According to the papers the average qualities for soil is %65 sand %20 silt and %15 clay. I live in a mediterranean city, if you don't now much about it, we get good rain in spring and fall. I would say until late June it is rainy frequent enough to not water manually. But between July and early September is very inconsistent and I'l definitely have to visit the spot once a week to watering .So the problem is, there is a water source nearby BUT it is down the hill and it is 15 mins away by walk so I want to cut down the trips to there.
So how can I modify the soil as best as possible to hold the most water without having drainage problems? Also if I wanted to, is it possible to test the soil myself to know if it is sandy or clay?

2.As I've said above I haven't tested the ph myself but according to the papers it's around 5.20 to 5.70. Also the area is full of oaks and beeches. According to internet those trees live in same conditions. So I want to raise the ph to 6-6.5 for cannabis right? I've searched ways to increase ph and best way I found for me is to mix lime in it. I don't want to carry huge bags of store bought soil to the area. I've searched internet and best thing that I could find for sale said "Agricultural Lime, suitable for agriculture and gardening" I hope thats and ok solution to the problem. I'll be germinating my seeds in few days and plan to plant them on site in late april. Is the time frame ok for the ph to raise to desirable levels? Also how can I test the ph without buting expensive equipment? I've found this tek Is it viable or there are better, inexpensive ways to check soil ph?

3.To plant the cannabis I've chosen a location very secure and almost impossible to enter without knowing what's hiding in there. But the problem is I had to cut down few trees and plants (they were not much tall only a few meters for now, and few inches thick) And so did I, nearly half of the trees required and I'll be cutting other half next week to make enough area. It is not hard to cut them but problem thing is derooting them and there are few stumps left over. Can the roots beneath the ground hinder or damage the cannabis plants in any way, do I have to clean them thoroughly?

Thats all my questions for now. Thank you for reading and your answers.
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Hey there. I use 50% perlite to 50% peat with a tablespoon of dolomite lime to 5 gal of soil. Water with ph at 6.5. Raise ph with baking soda and lower with white vinegar. I grow in 5 g buckets outside so i can better control environment. Use ferts of your choice and follow manufacturers instructions using perhaps less than recommended, at least at first. Do alot of research, see what people are doing. Trial and error will be your best teacher. Try not to leave too much of a trail to your spot. I use homemade garlic spray up till flowering to repel pests and its served me well.
You’ll be surprised how little you need to hide your plants.. . seeds are good but if you can find some growing get clones and just find four or five spots put 25-35 plants in every spot . if you’re worried about soil get pre-mix garden bags cut openings on top of the soil and put them right on the ground laying flat opening the bottom of the bags to the soil as well...You may lose one spot the thieves ones by the cops but if you get three spots good and you’re in the money