First Grow Guys Looking For Advice


Active Member
well its my first grow and i just wanted your opinions on what ive done wrong ? what ive done right ?

i`m growing under 2 x 18watt fluro strip lights and 4 20watt CFL`s to start them off then i have a 400watt HPS bulb for the rest of the grow

also in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 grow tent :)

carbon filter on its way aswell :)

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Well-Known Member
Looks to me some of your seedlings are getting burnt.
You might also want to cut down on some of those plants..

* Anything I post here is COMPLETE FICTION. *


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. You have started to grow some plants and you bought good soil. You invested in enough light to do a fine job for seedlings. You should know what comes next, you have been around long enough. What are your plans from here forward? Are you tied to this two foot height or did you mean meters? Carbon scrubbers are part of a ventilation system, so....? Details can be important.


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn bcuz of the burnt edges of the leaves. I dont think the light is burning them bcuz the tips arent anywhere near the light, and if it was light burnt, the closes parts to the light would have been burned.

but the leaves look droopy like its been overwater.

so my diagnosis is they're overwatered and overfed

and the lights too far away bcuz they're stretching


Active Member
i think you guys are right the light was to far away at the begining thats why theres a crazy stretch going on but that is resolved now i`ll burry most of that stem when i transplant them into the 3.5 gallon pots ive got and my new 6* soil :)

personally i think i was underwatering them being a bit too cautious :) but thats all under control now there looking a bit more perkier and also if it is nute burn it must be the nutes in the soil altho i did by soil with no nutes in it and i have not been adding nutes to it as yet.

heres a recnt pic too of one of the better looking plants :)

DSCF0088 (Large).jpg

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Well-Known Member
Unless you plan on a bigger grow area, I would lose 3/4's of them. And as for the brown edges, you need to Ph your water down to 6.4. Ideal Ph for seedlings. But pH should be adjust according to your grow method after transplanting into final pot or what ever you grow in. Soil, rockwool, and hydro, all have their own pH balances. Also make sure to keep that light close and make sure to have a slight breeze blowing across your seedlings to help produce a stronger stalk.


Active Member
I have a 400watt HPS MH lighting setup. Growing in quality soil with superthrive and blood and bone, but not until they are big enough to take the food. The first time they all went male and now about every plant is turning male. Its a waste of time and power. Is there a reason why my plants always turn male? Most of them only grow under 30 cm and they bud too early. I'm getting a MH with a red spectrum, so I am hoping that will produce better results. And how do you get feminized seeds or have a higher percentage rate that they will be female? Plz Help