first grow help


New Member
i topped my plant and idk if i did it right. plus im not sure if my plant is a male or a female. just comment some tips about what i should do if i topped it wrong and if its a male or a female thank you much appreciated



Well-Known Member
The bottoom picture shows you have 2 shoots coming back after top so you did well . Do not top other of those shoots until the get 4 nodes just to be safe . Then hit both of them you'll then have 4 shoots !!! Waiit til around 40-45 days veg and you'll see pre flower sex. You'll see pistils or bananas .


New Member
thanks man .glad to know its all good . ill post more on this thread or make a new one when the sex starts to show just to see what you guys have to say.


cookie monster (lol) member THCbreeder - said it perfect . I'll just chime in anyways. Lovely topping job - well done. Can't tell yet if a girl, but looks healthy and happy. best of luck with the grow