First Grow i need help :)

Kush baby Kush

Active Member
Well im new on growing so i set something up in my closet.

I germenated them and i got 6 seeds, Stupid me i planted 6 plants in a small cup. But like 3 weeks in they sprouted and there about 3-4 inches big and the 6 plants are in a bowl now that is about 9" its a circle bowl. What will happen sence there so close.

And one more thing i got a 100w light bulb a normal one nothing fancy. how long will it take to start budding and when should i do 12/12?


Well-Known Member
they'll bud a couple weeks after 12/12. you said you were using a 100 watt bulb. is it a CFL or incandescent? incandescents won't grow pot. if you think you can separate them then it'd be best to put them all in their own container.


Well-Known Member
switch whenever you want, it only depends on how big you want it to get. but really, i'm telling you now, its going to stretch and fall over and die. and even if you somehow got it to live and bud, you're not going to get even a joint out of it. you just can't grow pot under regular bulbs. you're going to have to at least get some cfls.


Well-Known Member
yeah, see how they're stretching like that? ok here's what you do: get more pots and untangle that mess the best you can. transplant all of those into their own container with the plants buried up to their leaves. then get AT THE VERY LEAST one cfl per plant. if you don't, i'd give it a week tops before they're all dead.


Well-Known Member
yes, roots and all, but be very very careful. yeah it may be tough depending on how large and tangled the roots are. as for lights, get the highest actual wattage you can find. daylight (bluish) for veg and soft white (orangish) for flower.


Well-Known Member
vegetating is the early plant growth. lights on 24/0 or 18/6. flowering is when the plant produces buds. lights on 12/12.

you should check out the FAQ. it has lots of good info.

Kush baby Kush

Active Member
thanks man 1 more thing could i just get 1 or 2 high watt cfl lights? cause i was just reading mr.chronics cfl light groth thingy. im still not sure about that


Well-Known Member
i've heard that the recommendation for cfl's is 3 per plant. so i personally would get at least one for every plant you have. its up to you though.

Kush baby Kush

Active Member
YAY i transplanted them ALL with lots or care. But is it true if u TOUCH the roots they die? and how much longer can that 100w light stay in there for? because i cant get the cfls today

Active Member
nah, the roots wont die if you touched them unless you had some nasty shit in your hands, and as long as you didnt cut them. the 100w id swap out as soon as you possibly can. i had a friend who gave me two of his seedlings when he first started growing, he was using a 100w incandescent and they were dying, one of them ended up dead and the other one is flowering now, and he has a 400mh and two new seedlings from my batch now so its all good, but the point is incandescent lights cant even veg bud

Kush baby Kush

Active Member
well i got more good news i found 2 14w CFL's and i modded out a plastic box thing and cut 2 holes in the top and i put em through there its not the best but i want my babys to grow but ill make more holes for lights when i get more CFL's. The only thing im scared about is a fire hazard. I gotta hide it cuz my parents :/. You think 2 14w CFL's is good for now for SIX plants? Only for a LITTTTLE bit hopfully just for a week

Active Member
well if its all you got then most def set it up, but try to change that as soon as you can. im using fluoros but im using t5s and t12s. i dont think 14watters will cut it, no matter how many you end up using. and if you need to keep it hidden from your parents you really shouldnt be doing it.