First grow indoors with grow box


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys!
400aZip, just usin bottled gallon jugs. Mostly arrowhead. Yeah i can keep the humidity around 35% pretty steady but i cant find a humidifier small enough but im still looking. the temp has settled around 75 and hardly changes but since the temp has droped outside i turned on the heater and it bumped the temps up n the box but there starting to level out at like 79-79 and 70 at night.
TD, awesome grow dude! Checked out ur journal and it makes me jelous hahahaha. But im learning alot from this one and already have some changes to make. Yeah im tryin my best with the nutes. I get how they work but i have a SUPER limited choice of what i can get lol


Well-Known Member
So todays the 5th day of 12/12.

Temps and humidity r the same and holding. Temps r droping into the 65-70 range at night.

Started LST today to and so far so good lol. Im trying to get pics up but javing trouble uploading then.


Well-Known Member
Random thought while eatting dinner... Is starting LST right at the beging of flowering ok? Plant should double/tripple n heighth and all so i dont really see it being a problem but iv never done it before. Any one have any thoughts on this for my next grow?

Obviously iv aleady done it to my plant but im slowly makin a list of changes and improvements for next time so i dont repeat the same mistakes and all.


Well-Known Member
What up guys! Lol super high right now :shock:

Plants looking alot better and im gettin more excited about it. Today is week one of 12/12 and i can already smell the plant from a distance lol

Temps and humidity are still the same. Humidity did have a spike the other night up into the 40% but idk how long it lasted for.

Should i trim the 2 real bad fans? There still kinda green along the stems but i dont see them ever recovring from the damage



Well-Known Member
Sup! So question right off the bat! Aparently the clocks have changed lol my lights go on at 10am and off at 10pm. Well i woke up, looked at my alarm clock and saw it was ten and put the lights on. I really put them on at 9am instead of ten. Is this going to affect my plant? And whats the best way to go about fixing this so i can keep the 10-10? Plant is 8days into 12/12

Temps are good. Hangin around n the mid-low 70s and humidity is around 35%

Went to look for a humidifier lastnight and found one that might fit my box so ill b picking that up tues/wed. I also made a mix of soil cuz i only had a pots worth left and planted a seed from a sack i got a while ago. Its another unknown strain so i want to 1) see wtf plant it is and if its worth growing the other seeds i have of it and 2) i want to see if the soil mix i made is any good. Hopefully itll pop up and i can use it as my gueine pig plant so i dont uave to worry about screwin my good plant up


Well-Known Member
Sup! So question right off the bat! Aparently the clocks have changed lol my lights go on at 10am and off at 10pm. Well i woke up, looked at my alarm clock and saw it was ten and put the lights on. I really put them on at 9am instead of ten. Is this going to affect my plant? And whats the best way to go about fixing this so i can keep the 10-10? Plant is 8days into 12/12

Temps are good. Hangin around n the mid-low 70s and humidity is around 35%

Went to look for a humidifier lastnight and found one that might fit my box so ill b picking that up tues/wed. I also made a mix of soil cuz i only had a pots worth left and planted a seed from a sack i got a while ago. Its another unknown strain so i want to 1) see wtf plant it is and if its worth growing the other seeds i have of it and 2) i want to see if the soil mix i made is any good. Hopefully itll pop up and i can use it as my gueine pig plant so i dont uave to worry about screwin my good plant up


Well-Known Member
Sup! Today is day 14 of flowering and i got some pics for ya guys.

Temps r still all threw the 70s and humidity is between 35-42%

Plant started to form little buds about 3 days ago and this morning they really poped up. Checked on my magnifying glass and its female! My problem with the leaves browning and yellowing seems to be going away slowly but surly.

Any tips for what i can do now?



Well-Known Member
Hey all! Plants growin like crazy lol looks really good and dark green. Temps n the 70s and humidity has gone up to around 43% for awhile. Maybe this grow wont b to bad for cfls lol



Well-Known Member
Its a male :( well... So much for that grow. Lessons learned and lots of knowladge from it though. Still a good lookin plant if i do say though lol flowering pretty good for cfl's. Oh well. I guess im gonna wack him down today. I planted another seed like a week ago and i checked on it and its doin good so hopefully ill have a plant breakin soil n the next few days.