First grow, it has been interesting


Well-Known Member
Well, more in the Saga of what else can go wrong. I knew this was going to happen, just didn’t think this soon. This was totally preventable, and only possibly time for in the way of getting it done sooner.

The plant never gets any temp changes, and after lots of reading, I see that multiple sources say that can cause stems to grow longer and thinner than they could have when they go into flower, this weakening them.

So probably about 3/4 of her collapsed, opened the tent after a night and almost cried. Almost all the branches were folded over and laying on the screen. I ran out and got some cheap netting to support her. Some of the branches were not kinked at all so those will be fine I think, but there are some that did slightly kink, I’ll be happy if those just finish flowering at the size they are now, just finish

In installing the screen, I likely destroyed about half the flowers from touching them. I had no real choice and minimized it as much as possible, but I literally had to soak my hands in alcohol to get the sticky off. As I said I had no choice or there would have been NOTHING to harvest, hopefully I’ll still get maybe half the yield I would have before?

It doesn’t look nearly as good as it used to, but it is still better than nothing, and I’ll be making the netting better tonight when lights come back on



Well-Known Member
Had to put a third net layer up. Really looking forward to building a couple more permanent screens for next time. A/C installed, humidifier to help keep RH up when A/C is on. A/C will only be on when lights are off. Tested already, so now when lights on I’ll have temp of 82, RH 40ish, when lights off temp 70, RH 50. Before it was temp and RH always the same. I always freak out when I open the tent because the leaves look really yellow. Then I turn some of the lights off to take a picture and she looks ok, added some cal mag and the yellow she was getting stopped



Well-Known Member
Still going. Day 59, and a whole lot of white pistils poking out still. I couldn’t find a single amber trichome, barely any milky except on some sugar leaves Guessing 2-3 weeks maybe? Any thoughts? Appreciate the help I got on the mag deficiency. Guess some plants don’t need as much? If they all do then they really should put more in the cal mag. Epsom for the win....well for the stopping of yellowing leaves anyway. Got some foxtailing though. Gonna finish this out with just the 4 qb’s. Need good recommendations for getting some blueberry seeds. Not the DJ short version, I want the old school Indica, willing to pay for top genetics but I don’t know what that is. I’ll post in the seed section



Well-Known Member
Got some more trichome pics tonight. Almost looks like some are amber but it is actually some pistils that turned. Thoughts please. I’m seeing milky but no amber, and I really don’t want it to be racy so I want some amber.



Well-Known Member
Tomorrow when I get some help I’m going to take the protective cover off my microscope and get some better shots, this is only around 60x or something, should be able to get up and see what a trichome is made of lol. Doubt it but I’ll give the thing a run for her money. Says it will go 1000x, seriously doubt it. Plus the protective cover is already sticky so...good thing I have special lens cleaner for it


Well-Known Member
Well the time is finally here. Seems like it took forever! Well one more day actually. Harvesting tomorrow! It’s a good thing too because she is going yellow fast. I’ll post pics once harvest is complete, should be a pretty good haul for a first try.



Well-Known Member
Pictures don’t do it justice. Got it hanging in the tent, humidifier set on low sitting at a nice RH of 60, temp of 65, 3 small 6 in fans circulating air, no inlet fan, exhaust fan set to minimum speed just to keep a slight negative pressure to keep the smell down,. Im thinking 12-14oz, but have no clue lol



Well-Known Member
Made a new journal for my second grow. So far it is going great. Blue Cookies from seed
