First grow journal... White Russian's from high-grade-seeds in Canada (HGS)

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Day 9 from recieving seeds in mail 003.jpgDay 9 from recieving seeds in mail 002.jpgDay 9 from recieving seeds in mail 001.jpg

Sunday Feb. 13th 2011.....(pics at 7 days from popping through soil)

Ordered 15 seeds from high-grade-seeds and paid the extra shipping fees and had them in 1 week(ordered Sat. morning, mailed out Monday morn, and received Friday at 2:30pm in mail!) (one extra seed included). gOOD COMMUNICATION AND SERVICE! Seeds are NOT feminised, so it will be a while to discover male/female ratio....

Day's in pics/journal will be from the time I received seeds, which I immediately began soaking!

Soaked for 8-9 hours, then planted directly into soil and put under flourescent lighting until sprouted( approx. 36-48 hours)

12 seeds started with a 100% germ rate, but one didn't make it past a few days, so eleven total are now being journaled.

This is a soil grow using a mix of fox farm potting soil, fox farm ocean mix, and maybe 20% perlite.

Using fox farm liquid trio fertilizers for this grow which began about day 3 after germination.

Using 400 watt, medium size adjust-a-wing reflector approx. 27"X30" ballast.

Underflourescent 42 watt dual 4' shoplights for first 2 days of growth and switched to MH right after.

Began in 3" peat pots and at 8 days transplanted to permanent home 3 gallon nursery pots....

PH at roughly 6.5 but do not have soil tester, but all is looking fine at this point!

First pics below at 9 days(about 7 days from breaking through soil!!!

Any comments or questions are welcome all!!!!

Looking to grow for use as insomnia meds.... Can't stand the unnatural drugs and after effects that they cause....

Anyway, here they are:

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
002.jpg003.jpg001.jpgGrow update!

11 day photos from breaking soil (13 days from receiving seeds in post-mail)

A little fringe wilting upward on leaves of a few plants yesterday. Moved up light about 5" and after 4 hour dark period, plants seem to be recovering well (thank god!):lol:

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
day 14....16 from planting seed 003.jpgday 14....16 from planting seed 002.jpgday 14....16 from planting seed 001.jpg
Photo/grow update....
Day 14 from breaking soil....(day 16 from germinating/planting seeds) All are roughly the same size though some slightly bigger than others! On next set of leaves beyond the 7 finger! Comments welcome always!

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Day 17 from breaking soil (19 from soaking seeds)....

Plants are doing well (approx. 6" tall, but when transplanted I buried stems to 1/2-1" below first set of leaves..., about 2" +/- depending on seedling size at the time).

First set of 9 finger leaves have begun on a few plants! The plants had grown 1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9... so far(7 finger leaves on 2 nodes in a row but all others were progressive and it seems all of the plants are following this pattern).

Furthest distance between any nodes was approx. 1-1/2" max with possibly 3/4"- 1-1/4" average +/-...

I've always had the soil moist and give a bit of water everyday(mostly w/ferts but occasionally just water) but haven't had bad signs of over-watering so I ain't gonna fix it if it ain't broke!)... My soil is pretty porous though, so I will never get water-logged, but 3 gal. buckets do have some water weight to them always.

Side branches are just starting to take off and should fill in fairly soon.

Alternating nodes have begun already on side shoots and may soon appear on main shoot on the next node or so(?) We'll see tomorrow or the next day!

Since my closet walls were a bit far away(about 1.5 feet or so), I put up some dull foil covered wood siding on sides to help with reflection into side shoots(yesterday). I also purchased 2 flourescent bulbs(100 watters) and have them in an 8" and 10" aluminum cone reflector which I will alternate plant sides with for better shoot growth(just started that today and already notice a difference in growth).

Otherwise, I'll just watch, wait, and water!!!!!

Any questions or comments are always welcome!
Sorry for the double pics!!!!
Happy Growing!

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Bi-weekly update!

Plants are filling in now. On about their ninth node and growing like crazy! All 8-10" tall and starting to bush more... All are on their 9 finger leafs with an occasional 10 finger anDay 21 from breaking soil (23 from seed planting) 003.jpgd an awesome 16 finger(in photo, but you can't see all fingers since some are underneath the top ones). It almost looks like two fan leafs grew Day 21 from breaking soil (23 from seed planting) 002.jpgtogether out of one side of the node but its really cool looking! Questions or comments always welcome! See you in a few days for next update! Day 21 from breaking soil (23 from seed planting) 001.jpg

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Sup bro! cant wait to see this. IM tuned in

Sorry folks, didn't get my last bi-weekly update for ya! I wound28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 001.jpg up vegging for 25 days and went 12/12 3 days ago(3/3/2011) Shortest of the eleven was about 15 inches and largest about 18 or so when I flipped28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 002.jpg light schedule. As you can see, the new bulb sheds a diff. light on the subjects, so photos look a bit yellowish! They're still green though...28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 003.jpglol Can add 2 inches though to my start height because I buried stems about that much when I transplanted(about 1/2-1" below first set of leave28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 001.jpgs). Waiting on sex to start showing now but hoping at least half will be female(fingers crossed!)!! Anyway, no problems yet and plants added abo28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 002.jpgut 3" in the last 3 days (18"-21" now) Here's the pics and sorry for the lag in report! Questions/comments always welcome!!! Happy growing! :weed:28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 003.jpg

Ooooops, added pics twice... My Bad!

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Quick update.... 31 days, 6 days at 12/12

Sex appearing on plants. Looks like there will only be 5 females out of 11 plants(6 males). Although more would have been nice, its probably a good thing since my grow area isn't huge and they can get plenty of light now. Should know for sure tomorrow about male/female ratio but there definately is 5 fems noticeable and if any of the others "balls" start shooting pubes, maybe more! About 24" tall or so right now.

Oh, an observation! Two of the shorter and more bushy plants I'd thought would most likely be fems turned out to be males... Go Figure! Definately don't go by height(or bushiness) as many say the taller one's are more likely to be males*( it may not be the case as I found out!) Don't discount ANY plant until Sure!!

Only one pic today of 9 plants(removed 2 males today and likely 4 more tomorrow when I'm 100% sure) Took pic with flash when grow-light went out so they are lookin a bit greener than the last post with hps on! Comments welcome. Peace:leaf: Oh... my adjust-a-wing reflector is about 27"x30" fully opened!!!(400 watt hps/mh set-up)

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Day 35 update! Day 10 since going 12/12 lighting.....

Ended up with 5 females out of 11 plants. Tried puffin' a few of the males tops on main stem and shoots and actually caught a decent buzz(great for relaxing to fall asleep). Anyway, can only imagine what the real deal will bring in the future!!! Transplanted to 5 gal. buckets like 2 days ago(checked out roots on males, and although they were tight around the 3gal. buckets, there was plenty of room at center of soil in pots to fill in. Figured I'd give the outside of ball more room to expand.)
Shortest plant is about 25-1/2" and tallest about 31" tall right now, on average about 6" in the las28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 001.jpgt 4 days. Just really starting to show more hairs and tops still shooting out 9 finger leafs, so I expect them to still get taller. I was hoping28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 003.jpg maybe 42" would be a good height for my first grow. We'll see! Here are a couple pics of the little girls! Questions/comments always welcome! (pics discolored by hps light.... sorry!)

28 days... 3 days from switching to 12..12 002.jpg

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
009.jpg008.jpg007.jpgOooops! Wrong pics in previous post! That was the last update when they were in 3 gallon pots! I thought something looked odd since they're in big orange buckets now! lol

Here they are at 35 days.....

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Plant update.... 38 days now, 13 days from switch to 12/12...

Still growing vertically and filling in. Shortest plants around 32" tall now and tallest about 36".... Quite a bit of growth in the last 3 days! White flower hairs are becoming more evident(second pic). This next week should show some much better flower growth(to be seen!), and hopefully pics will become more "tasty" soon! Have one male plant outdoors who should be pollenating soon. I want to brush pollen on a few lower buds on my favorites to replenish my beans. I would have cloned but can't grow ye001.jpgar round indoors, so I'll just start again from scratch at a later date.... Here's a few pics under light so they lose their nice green color.


Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
42 days now, 17 days from switching to 12/12....

Starting to show some nice hairs and buds beginning to form! Pics should start getting interesting now! (the yellow in pics is the hps light affecting them, but plants are a nice "medium" green. Put buckets higher off floor for the shorter plants(3) so that they all get equal light on tops of plants. Tallest is now at 44 inches(grew 8" in 4 days...impressive!) and shortest is 32 inches still(all sizes are 32".., 33".., 34"..., 41" and 44"). Not the leafeast plants but that seems to be at my advantage during the flowering stage. Getting pretty decent light to all 5 plants and plants really aren't stretched(furthest distance between lower nodes is only 3" +/-. Using fox-farm trio about half to 3/4 strength but use it almost every water. Used molasses water two or 3 times from about 3rd week on. Not sure its helping but the003.jpg 005.jpgsisters don't seem to mind it! Next002.jpg 004.jpgtime I'll try to take nice green pics! Let me know how its lookin'..... :!::?:


Well-Known Member
plants are lookin great mate! keep it up. im sure you are going to get some frosty buds off thos plants!

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
plants are lookin great mate! keep it up. im sure you are going to get some frosty buds off thos plants!
Thanks Cron. The countdown is on.... I'm hopin' for the first "frost" very soon! I try to post pics on Wed. and Thurs. every week so check out the progress every few days. Sure to only get better(unless I fuk something up)... But I've been pretty fortunate so far for being a noob at this. Did LOTS of reading up on growing first and worked on using the best common denominator in all I've learned and so far I've had great results. Grew some shrooms a while back for the first time also and it went perfect! I think growing, like anything else, is all in the matter of how someone understands some of the theory behind what they're doing. But hey, my dumbass is doing pretty damn good at it so I guess there goes that theory!! lol

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Update! Day 45, 20 into flowering stage....

Plants still grwing vertically! 49", 46" , 38", 38", and 35".

Flowers are coming on strong! Here's a little eye candy... :)001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg

Questions/comments always welcome here!

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Day 49, 24 into 12/12 light change.

Still vertical growth! Heights are now 54", 49", and the other 3 about 39" each. Not too bad scent-wise due to my 90cfm ceiling outlet fan, but I just hooked up a 700cfm carbon scrubber instead, just in case the smell gets huge in the next few weeks...(better safe than sorry!)

Just seem to be filling in a bit more with lots of bud sites. Pictures are a little yellow from hps light. Here they be!.... You like?
