First Grow (Kush) advice appreciated


Active Member
Hello all, and thanks in advance
I recently started my first grow, and did so hastily. I germinated 10 seeds without really reading much - got excited and started reading as much as i could!
9/10 of the seeds germinated fine, and I'm now 15 days into grow (not sure if I should say 15 days into grow, since I STARTED germination 15 days ago, or say 13 days since germination took 2 days?)

Anyhow, I wanted some help to know if I'm going in the right direction with the whole grow. I have an 18" x 18" x 3' modified cardboard box (inside painted flat white for reflection). There are 4 28" floros diagonally mounted on all sides of the box ($11 grow lights from wal-mart - in the blue spectrum) each 80 watts (the incandescent equivalent). a small fan on the bottom blowing air up, and a fan on the top of the box (where there is an open 12" square hole) blowing air in.
The 9 plants are arranged at the bottom, each in a 15 oz clear cup.
The soil I used was some All purpose soil with a rating of (.10,.08,.06) mixed with some sand that I cooked in my stove to clean. (5:1 soil to sand ratio)
I haven't used any nutes yet - I boiled some tap water, and water them once every 2 days approx.
For the first week I went with 24/0 lighting, and then put them on an 18/6 schedule.
The temperature is approx. 82 deg. F in their light period and 78-80 deg. F in their dark period.

I'll take some pictures tomorrow so this thread seems more interesting (I too love pictures!)

Want I want to know is, what should I do to alter this setup in theory; when should I transplant to bigger pots; is the wattage of lights I have so far sufficient for this stage with 9 plants?

Also, I wanted to know if there are special soils Kush growers like to use, or nutes that are especially good for Kush, or anything in general that people would suggest for my grow. I also have a 150 watt cfl (much more red in hue) but it brings the temperature up in the box significantly (to about 88 deg.). Should I still use it to up the wattage to 470, or is 320 in the blue spectrum fine enough for now (I was planning on using the cfl for flowering stage since it's a red spectrum)?

Also, I never planned on keeping all 9 plants from veg-flower in the small box. I hope 4-5/9 will be female, ditch the males and then leave 1-2 in the box, and give the others to my friend. Money is also an issue (hence why I'm using floros instead of HPS)


Active Member
I don't think you need to specify your soil for the strain, Kush or otherwise. Usually a good medium for cannabis has more to do with its water retention properties (since you added sand, you should be fine), pH, etc. Anyway, when your plants are a few months old/feet tall, you could turn the lights back to 12/12 (l/d) until they express gender variation, pull the males, then go back to vegetative growth for a few more months at 18/6, then 12/12 again when you are ready to flower for your final yield. Also, it seems like you have plenty of wattage (although lumens, a measure of how much light is emitted, is more of a concern since some lamps use more wattage to get the same lumens) for your grow for now altough I don't think you specified the dimensions of your grow area, which is important as you need a minimum number of lumens per sq. ft. or else you'll get stretched out, stressed plants. Good luck.


Active Member
Well, it depends on quite a few factors, such as plant age and height at flower, the duration of flower period, your lighting and irrigation/nutrition systems, not to mention the variety of Kush... It varies quite a bit, however you should be able to harvest a few ounces... Keep in mind that your dried harvest will weigh about one third of the fresh buds.


hey guys how goes it , this is my first time growing and im starting with a clone i was wondering if anyone knows how much light time i should give it ? what can i use as a grow room because at the moment im growing it in my garage, but from everything ive read so far gives no advice of growing a plant in the open like that , and would regular potting soil do an ok job without any kind of sand for draining? analysis of soil .07%,.01%,.03% and i bout some liquid plant food a mixture of 10%,15%,10% would that be ok food?


Well-Known Member
im new @kesh as well i have 3 going from Elite Genetics gear all i can tell so far 2 @ 9 weeks 1@ 7is that they smell in veg
leaves are wide appears plant will be short and stumpy

read easy to grow lots of resin early on in flower

my run in soil right now before i go to my 36 hour dark spell for 2 weeks i have both lights on a 250w hps and a 250w mh in a 39 x 39 inch tent once flower start mh light to slow stretch than both lights then finish mh only to harden buds

I plan to followed by bud blood one feeding at awake im using organics for the first time and a new stuff by adv nutes called kushie kesh plan to follow with overdrive i plan to flower at weeks 12 and week 10 for them two days dark before chop down

is there anything i need to know from the experts and experienced growers pro or con that will help me or what i should avoid


Well-Known Member
Thats nowhere near enough light for 9 plants.
You want minimum and I stress minimum 100W(of fluorescent light, not incandescent equivalent) per plant.