First Grow Medical Blue Dream


Below is a journal made for a first grow to share the process and hopefully learn more from the community. Please post your suggestions or feedback as pertaining to the topic. Thanks and enjoy!

Indoor Grow starting 10/17.
The strain used is Blue Dream.
Genetics: Blueberry x Haze (Sativa)
Effect: Clear, strong and cerebral.
Flower time: 8-9 weeks
Description: Strong sativa that is a very good yielder. Buds have a great sweet candy smell with a hint of perfume. Taste is very fruity with blueberry overtones. The effect is extremely uplifting and cerebral. Great for motivation, activities, anxiety, and Depression!
Plants: 6 initial clones, 4 more added three days later.
Grow Space: 10x12x8 room with a 3x12x8 open closet. 5x4 window. White walls
Lighting: 1000w sodium with an air cooled reflector. Currently using Metal Halide conversion for veg.
Ventilation: Tjernlund 6 inch 530cfm exhaust. 8 inch blizzard desk fan attached to intake, and 10 inch oscillating fan for circulation. Stealth window box to allow exhaust and intake through opposite parts of the window.
Medium: Coco Coir with worm castings that has kelp. Mix percentage 80/20 in 3 gallon containers .
Nutrients: Cutting Edge solutions Sonoma organic line (discontinued need replacement advice.)
Discovered that the main fertilizer the Sonoma gold grow that obtained had gone bad before it was given to me and started using Maxsea all purpose fertilizer with kelp and micro nutrients 16-16-16. Plants seem to love the nutrients with seakelp.
Feeding: Hand fed with watering wand powered by a fountain pump modified to fit a hose. 10 gallon reservoir in a 20 gallon container.
Pest/Disease Prevention: Spraying fungicide and pest inhibitor every few days. Recently started spraying neem oil.
Issues/Problems: May have a few spider mites on the lower leaves; Having trouble figuring out a good watering schedule; The medium is not draining very well and the plants seem to be over watered; The first week was very hot and the light was too far away from the plants. Looks like there is stretching. Any feedback on this and/or suggestions on how to fix it?

These photos were taken about a week after transplanting new babies. Yet another week has passed since then and new photos will be added. They are much bigger and healthier in the week since these pics.babies.jpgroom.jpgdroopy.jpgblue1.jpgnutes.jpg


Active Member
u should point the fan at the plants. makes for stronger thicker limbs which + bigger buds. I play deathmetal to mine too. I think it makes for a more medicated eyes stoned. u know. HAppy MED grow bro


Active Member
myth busters proved deathmetal makes for the biggest tastiest plants. they did it on green beans. trust me. get some as i lay dying and let them rock till you chop.


Turn them into metal head girls eh? Maybe they will show some horns as they power grow :D

I've heard good things about mellow classical music. Any experience playing it for the girls?


Active Member
nope but like i said myth busters did. they did as sorts of music. yelling/cursing and sweet talkin death metal did the most. prolly cuz the amount of sound wave with all that double bass.or maybe weed just likes rock