First grow, not horrible... but...


Active Member
Sup guys I got my first green crack mother plant currently growing in soil. I don't have any cash for nutrients right this seconds, so I've been feeding her water... and whatever is in the soil I used. From what I can tell reading the soil... there is no Molybdenum inside the soil. Not 100% on this.

I read somewhere else that a plant stresses, and begins to form fewer leaves on the plant, so instead of 7, 5... you get 3... or even... 1. I posted pictures... any advice would be appreciated.

Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...

Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...

Not sure which one of these it is... or if it's something else. Any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i dont think theres anything wrong with your plant. did you get this plant as a clone? sometimes when you clone later during flowering, the plant reverts back to vegetative stage and look wierd. they end up having like basil leaves, but in the end, i dont think it will affect your yield


Active Member
+rep urgod, thanks for your feedback.

Yea I just got done reading that off of someone else having similar problem. I am not sure if the clone was taken during flowering, I got it from a guy at a dispensary.

Anyone know how long it takes to look normal again? or if it's good to clone off a plant like this? Thanks in advanced!


Well-Known Member
hows your PH and PPM? i think you should check on your PH before you do anything else as it is the most common problem to everyone.


Active Member
Yea... I don't have any equipment yet. Getting paid in a few days and i'll be dumping more information than you would ever want about my plants on this forum(grow journal).

I'll check ph and ppm and get back to you. Can't believe that guy sold me this shit... And strangely he doesn't respond to my emails. Shocker! :P


Well-Known Member
dont worry about your clone man, as long as its female you will get some nugs. general hydroponics has these PH Kits that i use in conjunction with a PH meter. it works all the time and its always accurate. You can get your nutrients down no problem without a meter but your PH is the problem unless you use reverse osmosis water. chances are your PH is over 7 and you want to keep that thing a little lower. what i do is i add some lemon juice/ vinegar to my nutrient solution


Active Member
Sounds good. To be honest I'm not too worried. If my ph was a problem it would lock me out of N, P or K(and show the nasties I've seen in other post). It's growing fast enough for me and I really won't have the money to get anything until I get paid. I'm excited to measure the ph and ppm of my water... I'm curious myself. Right now I'm just watering every few days. I'm sure she'll do great once she gets going.

Oh, and grats on 100th post.


Well-Known Member
hahah thanks man, ill be following up and checking out your posts. hope your girl turns out well!


Active Member
Yea so since no one knows when it will return to normal, i'll post here if it ever does. Thanks again urgod.


Active Member
Mom is sprouting 5 bladed leaves... Clones are as well. All is normal again, the curling is from the heat. The end.