First grow (outdoor, bag seed)


Active Member
How's it. Decided it's probably gonna be easier to just make a journal. Don't have any pictures from early on, but they're nearly 2 months old now. 2 females and 2 males, which I've removed now (only showed sex a couple of days ago). And last night I picked up a 3rd male off a mate.So here's one of the earlier photos of the 4 of them:

Different angle

All planted at the same time but the 2 smaller ones were in some small as fuck pots for way too long (since seeding until about a month ago, if that. I was fucking busy, okay?So the second (third picture) and the last turned out male, because they apparently didn't appreciate me feeding them and taking care of them, the ungrateful fucks. The other two are going pretty good, the big one looks like this now, well it's a bit bushier, I'll get a new photo tomorrow when I can be effed:

Stem (noticeably thicker now, photo is about 3 days old)

The other little lady:

And the new one I picked up last night (up the back, bad shot, but it's got 3 mains going straight up and is a week or more into flowering?):

Tad closer:

Took some cuts today as well, 2 off the big one, and one each of the others. Have the 2 males in the shed deciding what to do if you have any suggestions. Head of stripping the leave and using it as a backscratcher, that was my favourite so far.
I also have about twelvehundred questions everyday, so I'm just gonna ask everyone on here. Starting with, can caffeine increase yield, growth, potency, etc.
And has anyone here used this shit called Delta Nueve, would link if I could.

Also, took some measurements, first time, haha.
The big girl, spans 1m from the two main tips (slightly over), and is about 55cm high. The smaller one is 40cm tall and the new one is 70cm tall.


Active Member
More up to date photos.
Of the lady:

New bitch:

The small one:

Nute info, if anyone wants to know.
Started on just tap water, pH'd. Then after they were about 2 weeks old I was using Guano (liquid concentrate) maybe every other feeding, then switched to CANNA Terra Vega, notice a fair difference between the two, CANNA definitely seems to have a bit more oomph. Also added Dynamic Lifter, and blood & bone (meals) to the soil. They fucking love that Dynamic Lifter. And today I made a banana peel tea with added molasses seeing as they are starting to go into flower i figured it'd be a good idea to kick up those nutes a bit.
Considering buying a 600w HPS and one or two 80w Hans panels, or even just the two panels and a 400w, boxing something up and bringing them inside to flower to control the smell a bit more, but we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Please Please do not let your babes sit in water like that very dangerous to plant and you, but that said, looks great ...and I never say that enough go the 600w hps, you got the food to make them shine the 600w will take that further
Consider using the male as a source of pollen, grow him out, catch his pollen store in freezer, later pollinate a lower female branch to have next years seeds ....? but only if you got room

Can caffeine increase yield, growth, potency, ...."NO" is my understanding this is a falsehood!


Active Member
Yeah, it gets dirty quick, I usually clean the tray daily but have left it two days a couple times because I've forgotten about it. And thanks man, at least I'm on the right track. Don't have the cash for a 600w digital ballast so I'm getting a magnetic one. Do you know if they can be dimmed , or just depends on the model?

EDIT: Do you think the 600w hps will finish them better than outdoors would? As far as yield anyway.


Active Member
Had a nice rain over night and a few hours of the day gonna check on em after work.
1-2 weeks after flip should I start giving flower/bloom nutes?


Active Member
Had a very cold night, the poor bitches... Dropped to about 5* was 9* when I got into the car this morning and is about 20 now.
Will see if it effected them much when I get home. And I'll get some more pictures too. Guessing about 9-10 weeks until I can get a bud off them. Gonna try not to smoke until then.


Active Member
Few photos.

A couple of my big girl:

Side view (had to do it in 2 photos)

Some small flower:

And is this some sort of def, or pigment change due to weather?:

Stem, shits about 6-7 cm diameter:

The new plant is suffering from something, just not sure what. Lots of the older leaves starting to yellow and die off and the stem is browning quite a bit:

Early flower shot from that one:

The small one:

Pretty happy with them so far, someone's been picking at them too, so i'll loose a few grams but would only have been the airy buds, but still pretty pissed off about it.
The small one has bushed out quite a bit in the 'stretch' so I'm hoping to get at least an oz off that one, 2-3 off the new one and 5 or 6 off the big one, we'll see what happens though, haha.
Have my soil for next run cooking now and have clones off each plant, 2 off the big one. Which reminds me, my clones have small, small ass flowers growing on them already, will they revert back to veg again, or because I grow outdoor will they just flower now and have a g or two on each? Don't really care either way, I think it'd be kinda cool if they just grew fuck all and had 1 or two buds each.


Active Member
The clones:

You can see the flower I'm talking about on the bigger one, they're all about that size. And I know they're a bit leafy but they seem to be doing alright. oh, and the one joined to the biggest one there has a root growing out the side where there was some new growth starting. Guessing I must have got some rooting gel on it, will that effect it, if so should I just put it further down or what? It's about 2 cm (roughly an inch) from the soil.


Active Member
The bigger one was spastic with roots.. It's been like 5-6 days and it had nearly filled up its little pot with a ball of roots. Another one had a few roots going and one with a bit less. That one with the root growing out the side got put back further down so we'll see what happens there.
Ha another small branch (or whatever it would be called) torn off but some naughty person from the house. They've promised to not do it again but I guess we'll see what happens there too. Easily lost 5-10 grams already, and it's not even budding properly yet, who the fuck would waste their time smoking it, that pisses me off more.


Active Member
Built a new little enclosure for the girls yesterday arvo. A big improvement on what they had before. Picked up this wicked shiny stuff that work had been using as a temp wall it's white on one side and silver on the other, I put it in so the shiny side is facing the plants. Got some of this polyshade shit to go around the front as I needed something what would let light through but that is easy to open/shut. I fixed one side of it and hooked the other on the wire so you can open it when needed. Internal measurements are 2.15m x 1.05m, 1.3m height. The old one was made out of whatever was lying around in the shed and measured up at 1.5m x 0.9m, 0.95m height. Do needless to say they have a lot more room plus reflective surfaces. Will grab some pictures now.


Active Member
Still have some cleaning up to do after the party but here's some photos

I put all the little clones in there as well. They got tipped over last night by the dogs so hopefully they do okay.


Active Member
Coming along nicely now, beefing up a bit. The small one is still a bit behind, I'm hesitant to move into a bigger pot now but it definitely could use one. We'll see. Hoping for at least half a pound still, would be nice to get more but I'm not fussed, just want to see how the fuckers turn out already!


Active Member
Few picatures. About 3-3.5 weeks in:

The other one. About 4-4.5 I think, or it's just developed quicker. Pretty sure it was about a week in when I had received it:

The small one. Travelling slow, was last to show sex, but expecting it to blow up a bit, hopefully:



Active Member
Just cause I know all you fuckers are waiting, hyped with anticipation for an update, I'll post my results. Kinda forgot about it all, not the plants, just keeping up to date and what not. Anyway, here's a couple of shots of some of the smaller buds that I left on after chop (forgot to take shots of the bigger ones):