First grow--ready to go to 12/12--what hours should I use?

Need a bit of advice. As the thread title says I am about ready to flip to 12/12. I want to know what hours I should have the light on. I know I can make it anything I want, say 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. I live in a warm climate so my grow area gets warm in the day. Because of this I was thinking lights on 6:00P to 6:00A. Can anybody shed some "light" on this for me? +rep


Well-Known Member
I live in a fairly warm climate as well. Its just personal preference but i like mine at 5p - 5a. This way their daylight doesn't start too late and i dont have to be out there til 2am (although, somehow, i always find something out there to mess with that keeps me out there late! ;)

Good luck!


Active Member
I'm flipping mine in 2 days and I will be doing 10 to 10. I'm in bed by 10 on the weeknights and I sleep in until at least 10 on the weekends :) works perfect for my lifestyle.

Edit: it's also the middle of winter in my area so Im not worried about temps