First Grow, slightly worried.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, just joined and I am on my first grow. I've done a lot of research and much much googling and I am at a loss here.

I have these small white/amber bugs running (not jumping) around my soil. I first noticed when repotting my smaller plant, but they are also present in my larger one. I am almost certain that they are Hypoaspis soil mites and were inside my soil from day one, but I am still quite worried

Also I have a few leaves deformed if anyone knows why, I have been through the pics on this forum of plant problems and cannot find any info about it.

If you're wondering what that monstrosity of a contraption is behind my plants, it's a pc fan holder, homemade of course ;)...

Little one day 16, big one day 23, no nutes yet as soil was pre fertilized, watering when dry bout 2" down.






Well-Known Member
Hmm, the problem you describe is similar to what i was recently dealing with. Have you looked at "thrips" ?
They have a habit of being annoying, although they are not white. But they do deform the leaves in a way that your picture portrays, however the case is not that extreme.

Buy some Spinosad or Neem oil, if you can't the last resort would be Azamax (not organic). Those will rid almost any bugs. Buy new soil. I recommend Promix or Fox farm!


Well-Known Member
I used pythium organic pesticide on my soil and leaves havent seen anything since I hope, kinda thought they were soil mites, I had thought thrips too or springtails but these were not jumping. The leaf deformaties were caused by too high ph, this has been fixed and all new growth is brilliant.

Im on day 40 now and my big ones in its final pot ready for flower, little ones still too small for flower tho so i dunno what to do.

And yes on grow 2 I will be getting fox farm or promix. I am growing in store bought compost soil for tomatoes and chillies, and theres so much crap in there. thanks btw.


Well-Known Member
Yep I am, have seen a few fungus gnats in the house too, so this is my next step, not seen 1 larve though so it confuses me as to where they're coming from.

Majority of pests use the soil as a place to lay their eggs. The sand is because it prevents bugs from laying eggs and the eggs that are already in wont make it


Well-Known Member
Majority of pests use the soil as a place to lay their eggs. The sand is because it prevents bugs from laying eggs and the eggs that are already in wont make it
Bought some play sand and fly catchers, I think I could have gnats, however these bugs I talk about do not look like larve, but I have seen adult gnats around my home, not in my tent tho :S....
So just to be safe I sprayed pythium pesticide on the soil and leaves and I havent seen any bugs since, well apart from the adult gnats. Fly catchers and sand should sort them out.