First Grow!!! Tell me the good news!!


Well-Known Member
So I have a small small grow going on right now. Its a first attempt, and I'm not putting 100% into this. I will build a grow room this summer for my next grow.:hump:

I started it with LED's, but was told to change it. I have 1 CFL(75w) for right now. I am debating to grow outside or inside for this one...Should I get more lights? My plant seems to be growing slowly. I've been growing for like 2-3 weeks and this is how it looks.

I'll accually post pics in a few. My computer is being wacky:-?:twisted::neutral::cry:


Well-Known Member
more lights will help dramaticly.get lots more,if u go outside u got to worry about the bugs.


Well-Known Member

This pics shows the led's before I changed lights. Disregard the cup there.

how much more lights would you recomend?


Well-Known Member

There's a pic of it now. I will get more lighting soon, probably tomorrow. How much lights should I get?


Well-Known Member
just start over,bc it will be hard to keep that plant alive unless if u stake it up and give it time to strengthen up and can support its weight.