First grow, Winter grow, start to finish,w/pics


Active Member
I gotta admit, thats pretty damn awesome. He's probably eating up the bugs in there. Looks like an Anole. Lol. But i'm wondering how it got in there?
Me too man, I have never seen another lizard in here, after 15yrs of living here! He's my buddy I suppose. My ladies man.kiss-ass


Active Member
Yes, it's a green anole....quite common, but handsome. Usually they have a blue ring around their eyes.
He wont let me get close enough to see this this blue ring..He's shy. But he's always there. Cool ass creature tho, he always chills on the tops of my leaves when the lights come on for about 2 hrs. Then he dips out, but always comes back.


New Member
They're harmless and will eat insects.... no worries.

Beastie,, if you look carefully at ur's out of focus, but you can just make out the blue around his eye.


Well-Known Member
also i was wondering what your theory was behind removing the submerged feder tubes before flowering...overkill? my last grow i used mine the whole time and worked fine...jw thanks... ladies are looking sexy

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the feeder tubes are only needed until the plant has prduced roots that are in contact with the water in the res, after that the res will do the work.

the idea behind bubbleponics is that if there are enough bubbles, they'll splash out of the water, wetting the rockwool, and also the freehanging roots. and then i think, but am not sure, i forget a lot of the science behind it, that the increased pressure from the bubbles will lower the bioling point and increase the water vapour in the top of the tote. i need to read up about that last part though :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i also wonder this, countless people here talk about how they smoke wiuth their girls daily. it's not healthy for them in any way really


New Member
There is an increase of CO2 by being with your plants in an enclosed space.

I'm an outdoor guy, but I also blow smoke on my plants, but not weed smoke but tobacco. Insects don't like tobacco at all. I'm not religious about it, but if I happen to be there and be smoking a cig...I'll float it through the grow area.

Science has found that smoke triggers some plants survival mode....which makes sense.... where's there's smoke there's fire. Your plants don't know it's just you smoking a cig....they think a fire is nearby. I have no idea if/what weed response to smoke is, but it is possible.


Active Member
Here is week 7.
I almost lost everything on my PC. I had a HD failure. Thank god I am anal about backing-up! Sorry I could'nt have the pic up yesterday. Any way here they are.
(BTW) could anybody tell me how to post more than 4 pics at a time?

#1 Top view
#2 Side view
#3 Close up
#4 Close up



Active Member
This new light has really helped the plants.
In two days I can already see a BIG difference, maybe its the new nutes too.
You'll see when I post this weeks pics.

:peace:BTW: Im going to start changing the res every 2 weeks now instead of weekly, from now untill harvest.