First Grow


Well-Known Member
im only about 5 days into it, and im using an aeroponics system. i was wondering if anyone has any personal tips or things i need to look for to get the best out of my grow... thanks anyone who responds


Active Member
...first grow in aero?..ballsy...good on ya... your water temps too hot, too bad...keep an eye on your roots, don't be afraid to rip off gross slimey parts, if it ain't white and fuzzy it ain't roots... aware of the ppm of your nute solution...less is better unless you know...cover the basics n-p-k-ca-m...don't get fancy...

...have a back up pump...cuz running around town on christmas day looking for a mag-drive means you deserve to pay triple...get one asap...

...1 second every 11 is suggested by the epcot centre for optimal nutrient uptake...but thats gonna kill your pump, consider installing a solinoid valve that is connected to your timer instead of the pump...

...lastly, don't grow to make money...make money from what you grow...


Well-Known Member
what are all the nutes that i HAVE to have, because right now im monotoring my pH but thats about it, I know about nitrogen and potassium but what else, and at what stages of growth should i use them?


Well-Known Member
I strongly recommend getting the fox farm line of nutes somtimes it comes with a pamphlet with growing schedules with nutes for soil and hydroponic

Go to their site online to view their products and feeding schdule.



Active Member
...i agree fox farm is good but when dealing with an aero system i would not suggest it...i would suggest a two part mineral salt formula...also available in a 3 part liquid format...commonly refered to as grow, bloom and micro...many name brands to choose from...general hydroponics, supernatural, pro-bio... wary of adding organics to an aero can be done but it can also clog lines easily...stick with a simple feed program using half what the label tells more attention to room set up and maintenance than adding crap to your resevoir...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice

I'd like to see what everyone else thinks on this subject

I dunno can anyone vouche for this?
