First grow


Active Member
Hey all, first time growing, been lurking for a bit but figured I might as well register and get amongst it. Live in Aus, been wanting to grow for ages but never got around to it. Quit smoking about 6 months ago and just waiting for one of these hopefully female bag seeds to share its fruitful goodness with me.
Started all at the same time (early January from memory), the two smaller ones were left in some tiny ass pots for much too long but they're coming together now since being moved into something a tad more spacious.
Will get pics up shortly.

EDIT: Pictures.

Different angle



Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Looks nice LITSWD, what strain are you growing, is this outdoors?
any other details about your grow would be nice
Dr. Jekyll

It all looks good except for the ugly BIC lighter hanging out with your plants
Mr. Hyde


Active Member
The first two are obviously the plants that were in big enough pots, the 3rd is one of the the smaller ones (tied down to the right as it was very tall and spindly lookin' before the change of screnery), and the 4th (another small one) I am/was going to attempt mainlining.
And yeah it is outdoors, they were inside at the back window for the majority of the time, just recently put them out because they just looked like they wanted real sun and outside. Kinda worried about the bugs and shit though.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
The first two are obviously the plants that were in big enough pots, the 3rd is one of the the smaller ones (tied down to the right as it was very tall and spindly lookin' before the change of screnery), and the 4th (another small one) I am/was going to attempt mainlining.
And yeah it is outdoors, they were inside at the back window for the majority of the time, just recently put them out because they just looked like they wanted real sun and outside. Kinda worried about the bugs and shit though.
All in all they look good, maybe consider a grow journal so we can follow your grow, as you know not many of us in North America can grow outdoors in February
Dr. Jekyll

yeah, no doubt bugs are always a concern, shit happens and you just got to deal with it as it comes
Mr. Hyde


Active Member
Sorry guy, had to get to a computer. Re-upped on a better host, just for you.

Yeah, i wanted to put them out earlier on but we had 40 degree plus day for at least 2 weeks in January I reckon, and after that I just forgot, haha. May do that.