First Grow


Hello everyone this will be my first grow and I was wondering if I should use nutrients or not. I get that might be a stupid question but I wanna make sure I get this right. I am planning on using an led light with and autoflowering strain. I will also be using fox farm ocean forest as my medium. I need lots of pointers and help so I get this right for I do not want to screw this up. If I do use nutrients I was thinking of using Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Bigger Yields but if you all have any other suggestions I would highly appreciate them.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too big a fan of LED lights. Some people say fox farm ocean forest can sometimes be a hot soil, I never had any problems with it the couple of times I used it. For a first grow I think you will like the AN Ph perfect. Some people say the ph perfect effects taste negatively. I can't really vouch for taste with that product because when I did use it another patient had no patience or growing experience and insisted the plants were too small and not growing fast enough. The ph perfect was easy enough for this other person to mix. So they started feeding way too much just basically bombing the plants with too much nutes, then I would come along and feed at the regular feeding days not knowing this other person was also feeding. I didn't figure out they were feeding as well till it was way too late. The taste was pretty horrible, but maybe it would have been fine without so much extra feedings. I really liked the ph perfect though it was always so easy to mix nutes without the head ache of having to adjust ph. It was a good product as far as how healthy the plants looked. The year I started using ph perfect the plants were off to a rough start and were yellowing. I was new to out door and didn't know exactly what was wrong. I discovered ph perfect and decided to try that, it worked. Within a week or so of starting ph perfect A and B the plants were on their way to being green and healthy looking. I've never used the bigger yields bundle but I think pretty soon here I'm about to try some Big Bud. One of the things I hate most about growing is checking and adjusting ph. I looked into other ways to grow that I could get around checking ph and discovered that when growing with organic amended soil you could do a full grow with just water, or even molasses and not have to even think about ph as long as your water ph is within a reasonable range something like 5 - 7, don't take my word for it because I doubt those are the actual numbers for the acceptable range but it is a fairly wide ph range that will work. With all organic amended soil its the microbes that will feed the plant, and the microbes will adjust to ph as needed. There are other products that could be added as well when growing with amended soil, but it doesn't need to be a whole lot. Another suggestion to avoid ph'ing would be to grow with hempy bucket style. I'm not sure why hempy bucket style doesn't need to be ph'ed but a lot of people say it works. A bunch of people don't like Subcool or TGA soil for some reason, but I have had pretty decent success using TGA Super Soil. If you are interested in going the organic amended soil route there are other recipes you could use. As far as suggestions that's about all I've got for now. Everyone has their reason for growing how they do, I'm not sure if you even looked into organic yet or not but that's the way I would recommend. If you are dead set on bottled nutes advanced nutes seem's good to me, but a lot of people say they are over priced.
Some other questions that might help people help you. How many watts of led light? How big is your grow space? What sized pots? You said auto flower strain so it will be from seed, this means you wont need nutes for I think the first two weeks. The cotyledons will have everything the seedlings need to get started, and the fox farm soil has quite a bit as well. Since it is auto flowering the seedlings will be in bloom from the time they sprout. I beleive you only need the ph perfect sensi bloom. You won't need to buy sensi grow and sensi bloom for auto's. I'd say don't feed for the first two weeks, maybe even longer depending if you got a hot batch of fox farm soil.

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Thanks this helps out alot. My grow space is roughly 9sq feet so I dont plant on growing anymore than two plants to get the best results. And yes I will be using an autoflowering strain and I will start it from seed, in more depth I will be trying to start Lowryders The Ogre strain which I have heard is a good strain for new growers like myself and the led I will be using is an equivalent to 400 watts maybe a little higher but no less.


Well-Known Member
My current grow should be done in 5-6 weeks. I might want to try my 5 gal bucket DWC again for my next grow and if I do I'm probably going to try out the ph perfect again myself. The only time I did a grow with my DWC bucket was with a LED light, a 180 watt jumbo ufo from pro source world wide. The plant just grew tall with lots of stretch and didn't bud very well. The plant grew so tall that it was up past the led light and the light was hanging as high as I could get it. The leaves even got fried by the led light which was one of the things specifically listed that the led lighting was not even supposed to be able to do. The light was advertised as supposed to give better trichomes because the led light is low heat and can't burn the plants. But somehow I was able to burn my leaves to a crisp. From that grow I was a bit turned off by led lighting, that and I hate the color of the light. My led light always left me with a green hue in my vision after looking at my plants. It was better suited for vegging in my opinion, but even 100 watts of T5 can veg even better then the led did. My light might work fine, in the right setup. I just haven't really used it since then. Nor have I used my DWC bucket with a better lighting system. Now that I'm setup with 600 watts hps and have a few grows under my belt with hid, I think it might be time to try out that DWC again. Someone told me that the DWC is too much horse power for the LED light I was using to keep up and that's why it stretched so bad, and I also got slime on the roots which didn't help. What I really might do is take a monster crop cutting from my plants in bloom now, and re veg the cutting, then use that as my plant for the DWC, use ph perfect and see how things work with a better lighting system. I really do think advanced nutes has some great products. If I use ph perfect I don't think I have to chase the ph. Sorry a little off topic but that's what I'm thinking about doing, and a brief explanation about my bad experience with led.


Well I hope all goes well for your grow, Im using a G8 led so Im hoping for good results even an ounce would make me happy lol
I have heard though that led's can burn plants its kinda rare but I heard it happens time to time I have about 6 feet of room and the strain I plan on growing only grows to 1 meter so im crossing my fingers that all goes well. I plan on getting them from Herbies so I know i'll have no problems on that end. I thank you for your advice and help this helps me narrowing down what I want to do. Happy growing :)


Active Member
i have been growing with LED for a few years (with out burning anything i might ad)....just make sure you get some cal mag or some equivalent something about leds makes the plant go though the magnesium


Well-Known Member
I'm bouncing between a few threads so I'm getting a little off of which thread I'm in. In another thread someone is asking if their plant is ready to harvest. It looks like it has a bit longer to go, but the grower hasn't flushed yet. I was about to tell him he wouldn't have to worry about flushing if he went the organic amended soil route like I suggested, but then I realized I suggested that to you and not him haha. But yeah that is another benifit of going that route too with the organic soil so I might as well mention it to you. If you went with that organic amended soil like I was talking about you wouldn't even need to flush. You can get by with just water so like Subcool has said, something to the effect of... Why are you talking about flush chems, you've been feeding the thing nothing but water for months, what are you going to flush out of it.