first harvest ever - woot woot! pics


Well-Known Member
if you want to read my description of my harvest bud, read below. if you just want to look at the pics, please do - and offer comment. any guesses as to dried weight?

well, i harvested my first crop yesterday - 50 days into flowering. I know it's early. I was planning on waiting another week, maybe a bit more for one of the plants. but, it was having some health issues (calcium def. i think) that started to move in to the buds. i decided better safe than sorry, rather an early harvest than destroyed buds. plus, i'm more a fan of the energetic high.

learned a lot, will do better next time.

i was growing under 8 42w CFLs, and doing a ScrOG. the top buds above the screen are all fairly dense, though still somewhat fluffy. i'd be happy to get a bag of it from my dealer, anyways. the darker coloured ones are more dense than the lighter green ones. the smaller, lower buds are not as dense, but i expected that. that is why I did a SCrOG, and next time I will do it so more of the plant is at screen level.

the scent is very piney. if it were a wine, i'd say it was "rustic." i have just smoked a bowl of one of the lower buds that i snipped off to quick dry. i am and the high a lot. not lacking in potency at all.

thanks to everyone who offered advice to guide me through my grow! i am so thrilled to be done spending money on bags, at least for a while.

i'll be starting my clone into flower in my new grow box in a couple of weeks.



Well-Known Member
very niice, cant wait till my first harvest, inly a few weeks away, that bud looks delicious though !!!!



Well-Known Member
damn man
good job
Im thinking of getting some cfls for side lighting
just havnt figured out howim gonna set them up


Well-Known Member
Looks good, you may get 8 ounces!!!!! But next time but a beer bottle or a ruler next to it so we have a better idea as far as size goes. Get you a scale!!!!


Well-Known Member
nice buds. very pretty.

my friend just harvested 3 days ago, and its in the final stages of preparation. It is so damn sticky... i cant wait to smoke some of it dry. she clipped a bit before it was done, just because she just couldnt resist a sneak peak. half a bowl of fresh green bud got 3 of us so high. its some awsome herbage.
good luck with smoking all that!


Well-Known Member
hey looks good, but you should maybe have waited..the color of the purple one looks nice, what is it? take a look at my last post..i just finshed my 1st harvest, i got 5 oz. from 1 plant, i have another 2 ready in 2 weeks. nice job thu..the site has been very helpfull as you mentioned. GL & GG...check my last post or look me up,,see ya