First harvest


Blue Mystic AF from Nirvana
Can't wait to smoke this shit! Smells great and my fingers are so sticky. I'm going to trim a little more then enter the drying phase.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone does this but I really want to skip the curing step and go straight to smoking. As far as I know curing enhances smell and taste but not potency so why not? Call me crazy but as long as the potency isn't effected I don't mind.

Perhaps in the future where a harvest pulls in a few zips a plant I will take the time to cure but for a small harvest like this I see damn near no point... that is if potency is not effected.



Well-Known Member
Looks like the plant went through a re-veg. It makes it grow all crazy like that when the plant flowers, then goes back into veg, then into flower again eventually


Well-Known Member
Why not smoke and cure? Thatvway the taste will get better with age. Like a fine wine


Looks like the plant went through a re-veg. It makes it grow all crazy like that when the plant flowers, then goes back into veg, then into flower again eventually
Strange.. I never knew autos do that but that could explain why it took so long to finish.. then again I screwed up ALOT during this grow.. Who knows, as long as this tree gets me high I wont question it.
Why not smoke and cure? Thatvway the taste will get better with age. Like a fine wine
I just might do this now :weed: