First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

thump easy

Well-Known Member
my first hit on weed was fucken crazzy i smoked strees this one tyme i lived in san bernardino... we moved from the L.A. to get away from the crazzy people but we ended up in the same rut..
our nabors were crazzy ass white boys fucken stoners beer drinkers lsd shrooms you name it.. well they werent aloud in the house we had the up stair roof i was about 15 years old my aunt at the time took off for work... well me and my 2 cousins didnt get into anything because of L.A. it was to crazzy to be out n about in the areas we lived so we kept to ourselfs.. one day tony criss,and mikey n thier cousin jumped on the room n knocked on our window.. we opend it n let them in.... they were kinda like bullies of the block so my older cuzzin could beet them up they didnt intimidate his ass we sat around n mike opens a jar of shake it was home grown.. he pulls it out i remember it was frostie n smelled like weed.. he rolls one up n tells us to take a hit.. We were like NO NO man my aunt my mom.. they new she was gone.... so fuck my cuzzin is like FUCK IT ill take a hit n he does... OW SHIT MAN MY TURN so i take a hit n it made me cough... i didnt feel anything it went around again n at the time i felt a electrode run up my spine untill it hit my brain i felt a POP! n BAM i was in the zone.... ow shit my aunts car pulls up mike n the gang jump out the fucken window two stories up... ow man what do we do we panicked n started to spray polperie spary but it was to late aunt came in like a dragon..... WHAT THE FUCK R U GUYS SMOKEN awww man we in for one ow shit but i had the nerve to start busting up... she is yelling n wipping her cord around as if she is gona do something man we started to fucken laugh so hard i was crying of laughter she was so mad she left we were on the ground straight laughing it hurt to laugh man i couldnt stop laughing ya my aunt sent me to L.A. to my moms man that sucked... lolz but thats my first time geting hie