First Indoor/Outdoor Grow (Window Sill Grow/ Outdoors Grow)


Active Member
Alright, so this will be my first grow journal. I've spent ZERO dollars on any of this so far, and I mean ZERO.

This is what I'm going to be using to grow;

2 unknown bagseeds
2 Plastic Cups (20 + small slits cut around the base of it for good drainage)
2 Squares of Saran wrap
2 small bowls for drainage
Urine and Water
The Great Outdoors
Medium size flower pot.
Potting soil

So what I listed above is everything I'm going to be using to grow two plants.
Now here's how I'm doing it.

The above is a picture of my two cups with 2 bagseeds growing in them respectively.
I have the tilted more so that they get full sun exposure and I also have the window open at all time so that the actual glass doesn't absorb any light and prevent my little ones from receiving it.

I have saran wrap on them with 3 holes poked across the top with a pencil.
The reason I have the saran wrap on is so that it can capture heat and humidity inside of the cup.

It got to about 77 degrees where I live earlier today and right now it's 70, so the plants are doing fine because of the optimal conditions. It's also been quite humid through the week.

Here is one of the seedlings, isn't it a doll? I can't tell if it's healthy or not. It looked a little skinny but I think it's doing fine.

Today I urinated in a cup and poured some out and diluted it quite a bit and put it on both plants. Urine can be a good source of nitrogen and other minerals.

I'm going to plant them in a larger pot in a bout 5 days or when the cotyledons are clearly established.

Whenever I plant them in the larger pot though, I'll have to move it out back to a small wooded area behind my house. There's plenty of sun exposure there. I'll also sprinkle some cinnamon at the roots and all around the dirt so that it doesn't get infested with ants.

Btw, the way I'll transplant the seedlings will be digging a hole about half the size of my cup. Once the hole is dug, I'll be slicing the cup all the way down the side being careful not to cut any roots. Then I'll simply open the side of the cup and GENTLY put it in the hole I dug. After that I'll pat down the soil around it and place it in my secret area outside.

BTW, I'm not buying any nutes or fertilizer or repellents or anything. This is a COMPLETELY organic grow and I'm not spending ANY money on it.

I'll be checking back here almost every day with small updates on my plants.

Let me know what you guys think of this and give me some constructive criticism. If your criticism has anything to do with buying anything, please don't post it!


Active Member
Today I took the cups out of the window sill and put them under a 16 watt 2700k bulb and that's where they are staying for with 24/0 until the cotyledon are gone from both of the seedlings.

Whenever they get that big (probably in about a week I guess) I'll be putting them in a fairly well sized pot and putting them in an extremely well camoflauged area in the woods behind my backyard, and the sunlight can reach it all day.

The seedling inside of the orange cup has opened up and I can see the cotyledon on them, they are very small.
The one in the green cup has lost it's shell and it's still closed up. It will probably open up tomorrow.


Active Member

Here is the one in the orange cup today, the green cup looks the same as the orange.

Yesterday I also cleared a path into the my woods and brought a tote along. I plan on burying the tote about halfway and putting the potted plants in so that when I want to flower I can just put a lid on :)


Active Member
Moved the orange one into a larger pot outside, it seems the one I'm keeping in the window sill is growing faster though. Maybe it's transplant shock, who knows!

Here is the one in the green cup at 5 days old.

Any criticism would be appreciated!


Hey man keep us updated. I recently bought a platinum bubba clone from the store (i live in cali) and I want to get it big. I cant afford a indoor system, and I dont really need one since Im allowed to have the plant in my yard. But since its VERY HOT in the valley I cant leave the small clone out in the heat for long. There are plenty of windows sills inside that recieve full sun. So i figured It would grow my plant nice and big using only the power of the sun, but until it can withstand the socal sun I want to give it a break by growing indoors near windows.

That's why im interested in your progress.