First it was Twinkies, now they want to change M&M's too!

People obviously can't make sensible choices about what (and how much) they eat (or offset the fatty food with exercise), these restaurants have been attacked for years for selling the stuff an the moment they change it everyone's upset. No one can win...unless people started making their own damn food at least some of the time then! Because some people literally eat out for breakfast, lunch and dinner, if it's all hideously fattening then... well.

Personally I like a bacon mcmuffin, their chicken mayo, sweet chilli chicken salad wrap, bags of fruit + orang juice and the odd apple pie. Nomnomnom. I'm 105 lbs.
Ok, now it's getting serious. Mar's is cutting the size of Snickers. Why? Because of Michele Obama! Saw it on the news last night. It's a great excuse to cut the size and charge more. Thanks a lot you female suck face. +

I don't eat them, don't like them. It's the point of the 'government' telling you what is good for you and what you can and can not consume.

It's not about what you eat it is all about freedom don't forget it.
And a 1 pound can of coffee weighs 12 oz's WTF better not downsize my jumbo peanut butter cups or the shits gonna fly:hump:
McRib really freaks me out. Its meat pressed into the shape of ribs...were are the fucking bones. That shit is not ok.

The McRib is made in a similar manner to McNuggets, or any other "chopped and pressed" meat product. I am not too framiliar with what all the fast-food places are selling currently, but any chunk of meat that does not look like a natural occurring piece of meat is chopped and pressed.

Chopped and pressed meat is usually "mechanically separated" meat. What does that mean? They take all the bones and what not, after the good meat has been taken off, and throw them in these giant washing machine type gizmos. The gizmo spins really fast, separating the scrap meat off the bone (along with bone slivers and gross stuff). They take that meat substance and form it into nuggets, and mcribs. The more you know.
I blame irrispobsable fat ppl....actually I don't need to do that..they know it....they can't "control" themselves so why not have someone else do it for em...Pfft
Truth is, it should be up to people what kind of shit they want to put in their bodies. Same goes for ridiculous drug laws. If you wanna eat a king sized candy bar, more power to you. If you don't, great. Just like soda, they offer a diet and a regular. Beer, light and regular. If they HAVE to change these things, they should at least give people the option to do what they want. Hell, if they want people to be more healthy, make the more healthy one cheaper by a few cents. That would encourage people.

I say this as a fat dude. I'm not sure why I'm fat, I blame genes. I don't really eat more than your average bear, I just don't lose weight. As a kid I ate too much, and it just stuck with me my whole life. I consider myself healthy enough, I can do all the activities I do without dying like your stereotypical fat person. I don't even eat 99% of junk foods. Funnily enough, I can't even remember the last time I bought a candy bar or a bag of chips lol. It doesn't matter to me if they change these things on a personal level, but I find it disgusting that they are policing people in yet another way.

They're our bodies. Let us kill them how we want to kill them.
True that its nobody's business what you put into your body but don't be bitching when you need quadruple bypass which could have been avoided with proper diet and exercise and if uninsured will be paid for by tax payers. I will continue to bitch though that my health care is more than my mortgage.
that really blows, they need to quit changing shit! some of my fav stuff is just NOT the same as it used to be

Remember when Vernors used to actually burn yur throat and contain ginger? i do

Or when french fries didnt have that shitty coating on em. FTW!
that really blows, they need to quit changing shit! some of my fav stuff is just NOT the same as it used to be

Remember when Vernors used to actually burn yur throat and contain ginger? i do

Or when french fries didnt have that shitty coating on em. FTW!

Flnding a normal french fry is a fukin chore. I have a little mom and pop place I go to that serves fresh cut non coated fried in lard fries and man are they good.:hump:
I haven't had either McRib or Mega Mac. What the heck is a Mega Mac anyway? 4 Pink Slime meat patties?


^ Enter 'Mega-Mac' it used to be sold across the UK in the early 90's .....then it vanished along with Ronald :) Loosing Ronald wasn't so bad..He's a scary lookin mother-fucker lol - STELTHY :leaf:
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^ Enter 'Mega-Mac' it used to be sold across the UK in the early 90's .....then it vanished along with Ronald :) Loosing Ronald wasn't so bad..He's a scary lookin mother-fucker lol - STELTHY :leaf:
they call those double big macs here , you can double QPs to :)

Mc Donalds still rocks good non coated fries to....their the last of the fryhicans!
that really blows, they need to quit changing shit! some of my fav stuff is just NOT the same as it used to be

Remember when Vernors used to actually burn yur throat and contain ginger? i do

Or when french fries didnt have that shitty coating on em. FTW!

Vernons is good Ginger ale
they call those double big macs here , you can double QPs to :)

Mc Donalds still rocks good non coated fries to....their the last of the fryhicans!

I swear. Even Wendy's, who had the best fries in the business, started doing that coated skin-on bullshite. "Focus Group Fries", I call'em, even though they probably didn't use fresh focus group.
But Wendyburgers probably still have that old-time Pink Slimy Goodness to them.